Page 41 of Wild in Spirit
“Can’t make you bait if you’re inside. No, you pick someone to go with, and stick with them all day. Lana’s at school, but Keoni is going to be working the borders, adding more cameras and checking the ones we already have. Zhair will be in warrior training, so you might be more comfortable there. That’s the choice I prefer, since you’ll be surrounded by all the Tuisa warriors. Can’t get any safer than that.”
Keoni pointed his fork nonchalantly at Zhair before speaking with a full mouth. “The stalker will never make a move surrounded by hundreds of warriors, so she won’t exactly be bait.”
Axel considered this for a moment. “If she goes with you, you might not be able to stop him by yourself, especially so close to our boundaries.”
Bailey’s fork clattered on her plate, her frustration apparent. “I feel like Goldilocks here. One choice is too much, and the other is too little. Why don’t I go back to Aisling and straight to him? That’s what the bait prefers, if anyone is asking her. I certainly don’t want to be here in prison.” Bailey’s sarcasm wasn’t missed by anyone, and the room went silent.
“She could go with Nas to the ranch. It’s out in the open, with lots of other people around, but not in an obvious way. She would look vulnerable, but not actually.”
Nassau’s head snapped up, first to Keoni, then over to Bailey for her reaction. But she didn’t look at him. The vacant look in her eyes was gone, and she was practically spitting fire, glaring at Keoni.
“I just remembered. I’m going to need my weapons. My taser first. Men are always repeating their mistakes, so it looks like I’ll need it.”
Her implication was clear to him and Keoni, but the others were only confused. The slight movement under the table, combined with Keoni’s soft grunt, meant she had kicked Keoni in the shin. Nassau barely suppressed a chuckle, but only because his mind was racing with all the possibilities.
“We can get you weapons, but I think Keoni is right. Nassau, are you sticking around the ranch this week or working the pastures?”
“Stationed in the northern training center all month since I’m not flying anywhere.”
“Perfect. Bailey, you stick with Nassau today. Don’t leave his sight for any reason. I’ll have several guards stationed nearby in all directions, so you holler out if you need anything.”
“Oh, goody.”
She had fixed her gaze back on her plate, only pushing her food around and not actually eating it. He knew she didn’t want to go, and he didn’t blame her. Things were awkward, but it didn’t bother him, especially since he had an inexplicable urge to be near her. He felt better knowing she would be with him, even if she didn’t. She clearly still held a grudge against him.
“Need to get going. You should change into something else for the ranch.”
She frowned at him. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He could see the challenge in her eye, like she knew what was wrong with it, but she wanted him to say it. He only cocked hiseyebrow and went to the sink to clear his plate, making it clear he was ready to head out.
“You can’t stomp around the ranch in some heels and shorts. You’ll get horse shit on your pretty little clothes and probably end up on your ass.” Keoni was still shoving food in his mouth, but he didn’t hesitate to goad her.Axel only grunted his agreement while staring over his notes, and Nubia hummed to herself, buzzing around the kitchen, cleaning up. Zhair and Lana stared unabashedly at them, waiting for her response.
“They’re wedges, and I could run a marathon in these if I needed to. I’m sorry I didn’t think ahead at one a.m. this morning when I packed my bags. Unfortunately, my cowgirl costume is still hanging in my closet next to my Buzz Lightyear suit.” She stood to take her plate to the sink as well, brushing past him, and he was able to see said outfit. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”
The simple coral tank top that hugged her frame and loose jean shorts were decent enough if she wasn’t riding a horse, but Keoni was right. She was going to break an ankle with the strappy platform things she was wearing. “Lana probably has some boots.”
“I do! Size eight…”
“Thanks, Lana, but I have big feet. I’ll have my friends bring my boots over since you’re all so worried about my footwear while there’s a nut job running around. Let me know how else I can attract a stalker, and I’ll work on that for you too.”
She stomped from the kitchen, and he caught himself staring at her long, tanned legs and perky ass as she disappeared down the hall. Then Keoni slapped him on his back, drawing his attention away from her.
“Talking shit is her love language. Give her hell.” When she strolled through the kitchen dressed exactly the same, but with abackpack, Keoni casually leaned on the kitchen island to bait her one more time.
“Maybe if you ask nicely, Nas will teach you how to ride…something.”
When she flipped Keoni off without slowing her stride out the back door, Nassau smirked and hurried after her. She waited at the edge of the porch, typing furiously into her phone before she followed him without looking up.In the truck, they sat in silence all the way to the ranch, past the main community of housing, and up into the north pastures.
“I thought Aisling was big, but it doesn’t hold a candle to this ranch, does it?” She had dropped her phone in her lap and was staring at the large barns, stables, and buildings as they rolled deeper into the ranch area.“So, do you always work here? Or does Tuisa make you trade out jobs since there’s so much security?”
He didn’t answer, only pulling up at the training center where they broke in horses for special orders, or just for the ranch. It was his favorite place to be, and he requested this job most of the time. He had become their go-to man, especially for breaking in the more difficult horses.
“I think it might get boring doing the same thing over and over. You’re a big guy. I’m betting they put you on guard duty at least once a month. And you probably enjoy training so you can sneak up and merc people. Like a silent menace.”
Now, she was just talking to hear herself talk. She didn’t actually want answers. She just wanted to get a rise out of him.
“Or maybe you like silently stalking and creeping on women before you reject them. Must be how you get your rocks off.”
He hadn’t answered her, more focused on linking different cowhands and giving instructions, and he could tell she was frustrated with him when she started to mock herself for him.