Page 46 of Wild in Spirit
“If she likes you, she likes you. She’s easygoing, does what you want as long as she gets her way. Until she doesn’t.”
Bailey laughed long and hard at that. Not because of his description, but because of the first sign of emotion on his face in hours. He looked weary, frustrated, and aggravated all at once.
“And how long have you been training her?”
“Four damn months.” Ursula had lost interest in following his commands, and was trotting around the pen, following those who walked by and trying to get their attention. When Braulio walked up cautiously, she snorted at him, reaching over the fence to bite him. She could see Braulio shaking his finger at her, giving her a lecture from a safe distance.
“Four months? And she’s not even saddle-broke?”
He scowled at her, not liking his admission. “They want me to give up, and they will sell her off. But I won’t. She’s doing it on purpose. The most frustrating horse I’ve ever trained.”
“Well, don’t let me interrupt your daily fun. She looks ready for you.” She laughed at his struggle, and he walked away wearily.
Ursula stood in the middle of the ring, waiting for him, teasing him with a gentler attitude this time. They followed through the same routine, and he got all the way to the blanket on her back while she acted so calm, so docile. When he grabbed her mane, pulling himself onto her back, she accepted him easily, circling the ring once, twice, then stopping in front of Bailey.
Nassau frowned, signaling for her to continue, but Bailey smiled widely. This horse wasn’t trained at all. On the other hand, Ursula had trained Nassau, and he didn’t realize it. His gentle ways had given her an opportunity to walk all over him. It had only taken her an hour to realize that.
“Oh, Urs. You’re not just beautiful, you’re smart too.” She reached out to the post, trying to keep her balance as Ursula literally rubbed her body along Bailey’s. “Maybe I should be taking lessons from you, pretty girl.”
Nassau pulled on the reins, trying to take control, but she turned away on her own time. When Nassau tried to give her more signals to move to the next exercise, she began bucking justenough for Nassau to hold tightly until she stopped suddenly and reared back.
Nassau slid down, landing on his feet, and watched as Ursula raced around the circle happily. He stood with his hands on his hips, frustrated, before leaning down to pick up the blanket. Ursula didn’t buck to hurt Nas, only enough to get him off her back, so when she trotted back up, nuzzling his pockets for more treats, he hugged her, murmuring and babying her.
“Oh, you’re stuck-stuck. You’re never going to get her to listen to you. You realize that, right?”
“He absolutely does, but he’s almost as stubborn as Makaii.”
Isaiah’s velvety smooth voice surprised her, but he leaned against the fence post, looking at her sideways. His ever-present grin, and the accompanying dimples, were stunning in the sunlight, and his attitude was infectious.
“They’ve been trying to send Ursula out for months now, but he won’t give up. If they made him, he’d probably release her on the back side of the ranch, somewhere if he wouldn’t get caught doing it.”
“She’s certainly attached to him. Has a relationship with him I’ve never seen before.”
“He’s tried every method out there, and he can’t get past a quick ride. Never even gotten to a saddle. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve shown up to see if today was the day.” He waved at Nas, who left Braulio to finish Ursula’s cool down and put her out to pasture. “She’s his project. His baby.”
“What she is, is genius. She’s got him wrapped around her hoof. She’s fucking with him for fun.” Nassau dropped the blanket over the side of the gate a few feet from them, and Bailey hollered out at him as he picked up the rest of his gear.
“You realize that horse has you trained, not the other way around, right?” When he only frowned at her dismissively, she realized he still thought she didn’t know anything about horses.Good, he can keep thinking that. “She has you right where she wants you. Made in the shade here. But you do you, boo.”
He turned his back to her, and she knew he thought she was repeating something Isaiah said. Dismissed by him, she turned her attention to Isaiah.“So, what are you up to, Isaiah? Here to babysit me too?” She peered over the top of her sunglasses, watching how he leaned his back against the fence, elbows up as he surveyed all around them.
“Not officially. Thought you’d need a break from stuffy-pants. Maybe have a little fun, hang out, and enjoy yourself with someone who knows what he’s doing.”
“Oh, do you know someone like that?”
“Haha, very funny. Thinking bout a private poker game tonight. My house, just a few close friends. Wanna join?”
She jumped down from the fence, making her way to the picnic table where her stuff was still set up. “As much fun as it would be to take your money from you, I doubt I’d be allowed. Don’t know if you heard or not, but I’m on lockdown. My jailer wouldn’t even let me go get lunch with Travis and Gio.”
“Yeah, when our Alpha gets something in his head, there’s no changing his mind. And Nas is a rule follower to a T.”
“Why don’t you come over to the packhouse for dinner? Maybe we can stream a movie or something. I bet Lana and Zhair would join us.”
“As much fun as that sounds, the Alpha is not my number one fan. I’m pretty much banned from the packhouse.”
“Hmmm. I wonder why.”
“He likes to inhibit my natural inclinations. I can’t be me with him around.” He reached up, pushing her hair behind her ear. “But for you, I would risk it all. Tell me how I could spend some quality alone time with you, and I will make it happen.”