Page 49 of Wild in Spirit
They didn’t question it, didn’t ask why, and that’s how he liked it. He didn’t know why himself, except he had a rage building inside of him since walking out of the stables and seeing Isaiah pressed against her, touching her. Every instinct told him to rip his childhood friend apart, to leave him bleeding on the ground.
But she wasn’t his. She didn’t want anything to do with him, and she had made that clear.He had no right to tell her what to do with her body.
His desire to keep her happy overrode everything, and if she wanted to fuck Isaiah at midnight, then she could. But he couldn’t stop thinking about it, and when he found himself starting his truck and heading this way, he’d convinced himself it was to make sure she stayed safe while she snuck around in the dark.
Sure enough, the moment the guard turned the corner in his circling of the house, the window slid open, and she threw her backpack to the ground, then dropped down from the second floor.
She moved quietly, waiting for the next guard to round the other corner before sprinting into the street as she pulled on the backpack. Following behind at a distance, he studied her. The black button-down shirt was clearly from Makaii’s closet as it hung to her knees, only a few buttons fastened at the bottom. He couldn’t see what she wore underneath, but he had a feeling it wasn’t much. His stomach clenched at the thought, and he sped up, making sure he didn’t lose sight of her.
This was reckless and dangerous, and it pissed him off that she would take this risk. For Isaiah.
The training grounds were only a couple of blocks away, almost in the center of this community area, and when she walked up, Isaiah was already there. Careful to stay downwind, he circled the area while they spoke, staying hidden behind trees and bushes, intending to only make sure she got there safely, then leave.
But when he watched Isaiah pull her in close, slipping his hand inside her shirt, Nassau forgot how to breathe, his chest constricting painfully at the sight. After a second, she pulled away, grabbing Isaiah’s hand, and pulling him over to the metal monkey bars closer to his hidden location. Their voices drifted to him in the silence of the night, the excitement in Isaiah’s grating on his nerves, and when he knew he should walk away, he couldn’t. He couldn’t move his gaze from her, or make his feet move. This was a self-inflicted torture, but he couldn’t leave her, even when she spoke so seductively to someone else.
“I told you I have a surprise for you. Stand right here and take your shirt off.” She stepped back, looking Isaiah up and downafter he threw his shirt off to the side. “Mmmmh. Yes, this could work for me.”
“My shirt for yours, beautiful.”
“Uh-uh. No talking unless I ask you a question.” Nassau didn’t see the small riding whip she had in her hand until it flicked across Isaiah’s stomach, and his friend flinched. “And then, you only get to say, ‘Yes or no, my queen.’ Do you understand?”
“Yes, my queen.” Isaiah’s voice was breathy and excited.
“Arms up. Grab the bars.” When Isaiah automatically lifted his hands above his head, holding onto the bar, she smiled, sliding the whip from his neck and down to circle his crotch before slapping down on his thigh. Isaiah’s small yelp of surprise almost made him smile.
“Good. Now, you get a choice. What color lipstick do you want staining your cock? Bright pink or red?” She stepped closer, inches away, as she held up two tubes of lipstick. “Tell me, Isaiah. Do want me to wear pink on my lips?”
“No, my queen.”
“So, you want me to wear red while my lips wrap around that delicious cock?”
“Yes, my queen.”
Nassau watched intently as she slowly pressed the red to her lips, carefully outlining the color and rubbing her lips together.
“Yes. Fuck, yes.” The whip flew through the air with a snap of her wrist, leaving a red mark on his stomach. “Yes, my queen.”
She walked backwards seductively, and he realized at some point, she had slipped on black heels and was slowly unbuttoning the dress shirt. About ten feet away, she let the shirt fall to the ground, revealing a matching lacy black bra and panties set.
Seeing her in lingerie, he felt himself harden, and uncomfortable, he had to shift in place, adjusting himself. Heswore he saw her eyes flit straight to him, but then she turned in a circle, tantalizingly looking over her shoulder at Isaiah.
“You like what you see?”
“Yes, my queen.”
Then she bent over, ass in the air, her creamy, plush cheeks so ready to be spanked, and pulled some more items from her bag. Facing Isaiah, she held them up, leisurely strolling towards him.
“I have plans for you. I hope you didn’t want to be home before sunrise.”
Two pairs of handcuffs and…he wasn’t sure what the other thing was. Running her hands along Isaiah’s arms and up to where he grabbed the monkey bars, she mimicked his body position, then when he leaned in for a kiss, she snapped one set of handcuffs on his wrist, then the other.
“I like all my men helpless and begging. Now let’s work on the begging part.”
She trailed her hands down his chest, pausing at the waistband to his pants for only a second before undoing them and pulling them to his ankles. His heart lurched, and he turned away. He didn’t need to see this. He only needed to make sure she was safe, and that Isaiah wasn’t pressuring her. But he ached, and his beast howled mournfully in the back of his mind.
She wasn’t his. She was free to do whatever she wanted, and he needed to get over it. But he didn’t leave, only stepping out of view to lean against a tree and keep watch over the perimeter. Isaiah would have been fine fending off her stalker on his own, but now that he was handcuffed, he couldn’t keep her safe. Nassau would stay and make sure she made it home, even if it took all night. Hardening his resolve, and trying not to care, he closed his eyes as their voices continued to drift his way.