Page 54 of Wild in Spirit
“When would you leave?”
“The next stop on the tour is in Tennessee on Saturday night. They would need to leave today. The sooner the better.”
“I’ll let my children tell their friend his official assignment. Bailey, can you contact Cassandra for the appearance change?”
“Yes, sir. Also, I’m going to have to pack a bag for him. If he’s going to look like me and be believed, he’ll need to dress right.”
“Do whatever you need. Everyone needs to be back here by noon for final instructions.”
He rose from his chair, leaving for the pack office, and the second the door closed behind him, everyone erupted in chaos and chatter. While they planned out exactly how they would torture Isaiah, she texted Cassandra, then Gio and Travis to let them know what was happening.
When she looked up, Nassau was staring at her, his expression unreadable, but she looked away quickly. She was excited at the possibility of catching her stalker so she could get back on the road, and even getting her cameras back in operation without her while they did it. Keoni could set them up easily without her. But once he was caught officially, then she could get out of here. Out of this pack and away from this man who made her forget everything else.
“Keoni? I need to pack a bag for Isaiah. Things he will need to wear while he’s me. Can you run me to my house? Gio and Travis are going to get packed and head over, and Cassie will pop over around eleven.”
“Yeah, just a sec.” He was hunched over his phone, Zhair and Lana over his shoulder, helping him write the message to Isaiah. “How does this sound? ‘Hey, Gio and Travis are headed back on the mate tour without Bailey, and my dad said I could join to keep a look-out for Bailey’s attacker. I convinced him you were traumatized by last night and should go with us. Can you be ready to travel by noon?’”
“He’s going to shit a brick. I wish I could see his face right now.”
“Speak of the devil…” The distinctive sound of an incoming video call filled the air, and while they answered it, Nassau stood to clean his plate, and she followed him.
Together at the sink, side-by-side, elbows brushing, almost in their own world, she was almost hesitant to even speak with him. “You going to meet back here at noon with us?”
“It would be fun to see two of me, right? Can’t miss that.”
He dried his hands on a towel, leaning back against the counter as he looked at her. “One of you is plenty.”
“Okay, smart guy. You should come back. I’d like that.”
He didn’t look at her, merely headed out of the back door, putting on his dusty cowboy hat as he stepped into the morning sun.She watched him drive off from the kitchen window, then turned back to Keoni.
“Let’s go. We have a lot of things to do, and you still need to pack.”
It was a little after eleven when Cassie transported into the kitchen, casually dropping into the chair next to her. Bailey had Isaiah’s clothes packed and ready in her matching traveling suitcases. She’d picked her girliest outfits, her most revealing dresses, and her highest heels. He needed to make an appearance, and he needed to attract attention looking like her. And now, she grinned at Cassandra.
“Hey, girl. So, what do you think? Will it work?”
“Are you questioning my magic or the wolf’s acting skills?”
She laughed brightly at Cassandra’s dry humor, reminded immediately of why she liked her. “Never your magic. I don’t think he’ll be able to walk in my heels, and I don’t think he understands how hard it is to be me and not get pissed. But he will learn.”
Cassie nodded. “This the wolf Ava calls Bestie to piss off Makaii?”
“She’ll be sad she missed it.”
“Oh, I’m sure there will be lots of footage sent to her. Keoni is taking all my equipment for me.”
Then Cassie side-eyed her, waiting.
“I’m fine.”