Page 62 of Wild in Spirit
“You’re both wrong. People underestimate him, but he knows what he’s doing, and he won’t let us down. Along with Cass? They’re going to catch him.”
Almost unconsciously, she had hooked her arm through his, leaning into him. He didn’t move, didn’t try to pull away, but within seconds, she realized what she had done and stepped away quickly.
“Come on, big guy. Don’t you have horses to train? Let me get redressed, and I’ll ride with you.” She ran upstairs and was back in no time. She had on the jeans and boots from earlier, and his gaze was immediately drawn to the way the jeans hugged her curves. She was gorgeous in her revealing little outfits, but this? In simple work jeans and boots, she was hot.
She played nervously with the necklace that always hung around her neck, then smiled up at him. “Ready?”
He snapped out of his reverie and pulled out his keys. Lana had already hopped in her own car, heading into town, and they were the only ones left standing there.
“You look good, wild thing.”
“Don’t be so surprised. I am a jack of all trades. Give me five minutes and I can learn how to do anything. Give me ten, and I’ll be better than you. So, come on. Show me how to train horses, and I bet I’ll have some tips for you by the end of the day.”
He chuckled at that, not surprised by anything this woman said or did. When they arrived at the training center, he noticedshe hopped out without the backpack of electronics she had brought the day before. She really did intend to work alongside him then.
This time, he tried to include her throughout the day. She helped feed and prepare, then led the horses out of their stalls, turning them out into the pasture to play first.He worked through their groundwork while she rubbed them down, gave them baths when they were done, and brushed through their hair.
She was right. She picked things up naturally, and every time he silently pointed to the things he needed from her, she took it on seamlessly, a slight smile on her face.
His afternoon had never gone by so quickly as he watched her work, barely keeping his attention on his horses until it was time to bring out Ursula. He hadn’t let her help turn out Ursula into the pasture, not wanting to trust the wild horse with a stranger. As he led his last horse in, he realized Bailey wasn’t there like she had been all afternoon, and he snapped at Braulio.
“Where’s Bailey?”
“Out with Ursula in the pasture.” Braulio must have sensed his anger, so he quickly added, “She insisted. Didn’t listen to me and took off on her own.”
He shoved the lead rope into Braulio’s hands, then took off towards the pasture, expecting the worst. Seeing Bailey laid out on the ground, stomped to death, cornered against a fence, or running for her life would kill him, but when he rounded the corner and hopped the fence, Bailey and Ursula were waiting at the gate to be let in. Bailey was rubbing her neck, speaking in a low voice, her lead rope already on. He had never seen Ursula so calm.
Jaw clenched, his heart still racing, he took the rope from Bailey.
“Quick study, right?”
“Ursula’s different, wild thing. You gotta be careful with her. You got lucky. She’s stomped and attacked six different men in the past two months.”
“She’s a lamb. Maybe she doesn’t like men.”
He pulled her into the circle pen and waited for Bailey to get a safe distance away. She was perched on the fence before he got started with Ursula’s groundwork.Every day was different with her, and just when he thought she was desensitized, or ready to move to a different lesson, she would revert to her old ways, kicking at him, nipping, and refusing to listen to his cues.
Everyone, including his father, had told him she needed to be put out to pasture, or sold as is. But he had refused. He was the only one she acted semi-decent for, and he had grown attached. He knew that was the number one rule—no attachment in training—but she was different. He just needed to be patient, needed to take his time.
Despite his insistence, she was only allowed to stay on if he worked on her after his official training schedule. She had to come last. But he didn’t mind. Every inch she gave him was worth it. Today, she didn’t move forward though, and she balked against every cue, kicking out at him any time he got close. Instead, she led him away, closer and closer to Bailey.
Eventually, Bailey began making little cooing sounds, and tsked at Ursula, and she came running. The rope broke free from his hand, and she cantered over to Bailey. His heart lurched a little, worried for an unsuspecting attack, and he murmured a low warning to Bailey.
“Get on the other side of the fence, wild thing.”
But she didn’t listen, holding her hand out with an apple slice for Ursula to take. He watched her love on Ursula, feeding her, then hop down, and grab the rope. “Can I try?”
He prided himself on controlling his reactions, but he knew he must be looking at her crazy.
“She may be acting friendly right now, but she’ll turn on a dime. Not a good idea for someone inexperienced. My own men can’t handle her on a good day.”
She frowned at him, but didn’t say a word, only sat back on the fence, studying him. He knew she was annoyed at him again, but she didn’t say a word. For thirty minutes, he ran Ursula through her groundwork, and she cooperated for the most part, only refusing when she couldn’t see Bailey. It only took him ten minutes to figure out what she was doing, that she was turning to look for Bailey consistently, and then he almost cursed out loud. He’d never met such a stubborn horse, but this took the cake.This time, he walked Ursula to her stall himself, the rest of the training crew long gone by now. Bailey had disappeared a few minutes ago, so he knew she was inside somewhere, angry at him still. But it only took a moment to realize she was waiting for him in Ursula’s stall.
As he led Ursula in, Bailey stepped out, hose and brushes ready to give Ursula her bath for the night. He let her spray the horse down, and for once, Ursula held still, didn’t try to nuzzle or kick at him. Instead, she played in the water, sidling up to Bailey.
“I’m surprised I’m allowed to operate a hose. Might be a little too much for someone as inexperienced as me. Never handled something soooo big.”