Page 78 of Wild in Spirit
“And I swear to the Goddess, if either of you two tell anyone, especially him, I will force feed you both anti-freeze until you seize up. Then, for fun, I’ll get off on your slow death whilegetting my pussy ate. You screw me, I screw you back. I’m a lady like that. Don’t fucking play with me.”
“If I could watch you get your pussy ate, I’d die a happy man, anti-freeze or not.”
She rolled her eyes yet again. And thankfully, she heard their door opening in their suite living room and someone rummaging around in the kitchen.
“Oh, look. The only man on this whole mate tour with no game. I swear if he just didn’t talk, he could have anyone he wanted, but the second he opens his mouth, he annoys the shit out of all the women.
“Good to know I’m not the only one.”
“I can hear all your shit talking in there. Is that Bai?”
Travis walked into view of the camera, half-dressed and eating an apple. “Hey, Trav. I see nothing has changed.”
“Not true. I haven’t been tied up on the side of any buildings this weekend.” He crunched down on his apple, flopping onto the couch beside the other two.
“As you can see, I spent all my time keeping dudes from fucking Isaiah. You’re welcome, by the way.”
“So, you’re a man repellant, as well as a woman repellant. We can add that to your resume.”
When their good-natured pillow throwing and wrestling started, she rolled her eyes.
“I don’t have time for this. Lots of video feed to go through. Thanks for all the footage. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Ta-ta now.”
Put-putting around her room, she tidied up, finally doing a deep dive through her bag and washing clothes. She hauled her clothes downstairs to the laundry room, dumping them all in one load without sorting, then headed back up. The laundry room had a couple windows, as well as a side door to her backyard. Stopping to stare out the window in the door, she made note of the Aisling warriors on watch outside. She knew most of them, and she smiled and waved. One waved back before, Frank, the older warrior slapped the back of his neck and headed over to her.
“Everything okay? Stay back from the windows.”
She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Come on. He’s not a sniper. He wants me alive. I’m just doing laundry.”
“Those are the orders. Have someone else do it.” Frank frowned at her, glancing around before closing the door behind him. They were taking this way too seriously. The guy wasn’t here, and it couldn’t be someone from Aisling. Even some of the girls who hated her from school were still too scared of Ava. Either way, her laundry was started for now, and she had plenty to do, so she headed back upstairs.
For hours, she poured over the footage from the mate party the night before, cutting parts, creating openers, starting new segments, and when she had enough for the next two days of footage, she closed it down. Heading back down, she needed to switch all her clothes over, then she could relax for the night. But as soon as she turned the corner into the laundry room, she stopped dead in her tracks.
Not only had her laundry been moved from the washer to the dryer, but it was now folded and stacked neatly in her laundry basket. That was weird. She shrugged it off, assuming Frank had sent someone else over to do it. She’d have to thank him later. But when she pulled the basket into her arms, the note tucked neatly in between the first and second shirts stuck out, catching her eye.
No. Damnit.
Maybe it was from one of the Aisling warriors telling her he did the work. Maybe.
Swiftly, she moved from the laundry room to their downstairs living area, dropping the basket on the table. Habit had her looking around the open room, scanning every corner someone could hide in. He couldn’t get in. There was no way.
But she plucked the note up, and, hands shaking, unfolded it.
Third time will be the charm.
This wasn’t possible. She was guarded. The borders were being patrolled, magical wards in place. Her presence at the mating parties was all over her channel. How the hell was he doing it?
Was he just guessing? Was he trying to see if she’d react? He couldn’t know. He must have someone else helping him, maybe someone in Aisling, like Axel suggested. Folding the note again, she stuffed it down to the bottom of the basket, then flew up the stairs. Her parents were both at the restaurant, hanging out with friends, and she wasn’t supposed to leave. Should she tell someone?
Her mind raced at the possibilities. There had to be a second person, maybe a newly joined warrior? She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the other note at first. But she definitely felt the chill in the air and saw the still open window though. With a yelp, she dropped the basket, flattened her back to her wall and frantically surveyed the room. The only movement was the flutter of the curtains, and the only sound the whisper of the note crinkling when the wind hit it. Swiftly, she moved to her walk-in closet, pushing around the racks of clothes to make sure no one was hiding. When she cleared the bathroom as well, she rushed to the window, looking out and down. Nothing.
Within seconds, one of her guards strolled nonchalantly within view, leaned up against the wall and yawned. Carefullyclosing the window, she locked it shut, and reached for the newest note.
You’re only delaying the inevitable. Come with me.
“Fuck you.” Quietly at first, but every time she repeated herself, she felt better, and eventually she was screaming. “FUCK YOU.”