Page 81 of Wild in Spirit
“It’s not my call, Bailey. Alpha Axel was the one who suggested bringing you back and said you would be fine. Right before he told me you were spending too much time with his nephew. Maybe if you didn’t cause so many problems—”
“Fine. Let me get kidnapped and chopped up into little pieces. You deal with Ava when she’s crying at my funeral.”
“You can’t threaten people with Ava any time you don’t get your way.”
“I can if it works. Perks of our friendship.”
There was a long silence before he spoke again.“On my end, I’ll allow it. But you have to convince Axel first, that means before—”
“You’re the best Beta in the whole world. There should be parades dedicated to you and your wisdom. I’ll handle Tuisa, don’t worry.”
She cut their link, sending a quick text to her mom at the restaurant, then one to Lana. She didn’t want Nubia cooking when she didn’t have to. Two catering orders wouldn’t take long, so she formulated a half-ass plan while she threw stuff in her suitcases. This time, she packed more strategically, focusing on clothes she could train in and a few outfits that would make a grown man blush.
She considered whether she wanted Frank escorting her over with all the warriors or not, then discarded that idea. No, she wanted the stalker to think she wasn’t worried about him, and Frank was already suspicious of her yelling. He would never agree to her plan. But she needed an escort to throw the stalker off, and to make Tuisa think it was allowed.
Thankfully, the perfect person was in town while Ava was gone. Mark was an old friend, sweet as pie, and the head of the new mobile army Ava created, he had been traveling from coven to coven, making sure they had proper protection and taking stock of any security issues the Alliance needed to take care of.
It was his idea, and Ava agreed. He was great at diplomacy and had a gentle, boy-next-door look that wasn’t as intimidating to witches who hadn’t had good relations with wolves in decades. But she had called the mobile army back in when she left on her three-week honeymoon, and he’d been kept busy with the instatement of their new border patrol.
“Ohhhhh, Mark? Whatcha up to?”
“Was about to eat Sunday dinner with my grandma. What’s up?”
“It’s like four in the afternoon. How are you eating dinner?”
“My grandma goes to bed with the sun. She eats early. I do whatever my grandma wants, especially for her pot roast.”
“Well, when you’re done tucking Memaw into bed, I need an escort to Tuisa through NahleCheile.”
She could hear his hesitation through the link.“Last I heard, you were staying here. Did Nicholas change his mind?”
“He gave permission for me to go back, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“But he didn’t make any orders. So, you’re going on your own.”
“You know me so well. I’m not going to make a grand entrance or anything. I only need security for show, so just you. You get me to the border, then I’ll drive myself over. I have a plan.”
“Does your plan involve things that might get me in trouble with the Tuisa Alpha?”
“Never. And I don’t know what everyone is so scared of. He’s as gentle as a lamb. Meet me at my house at five thirty? Bring a security vehicle.”
“Why do I have the feeling you’re about to get me in trouble?”
“Who could you get in trouble with, Mark? You’re literally the head of the army.”
“No, the head of the mobile army.”
“Well, you know what they say. Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to. I promise, in this situation, it’s better to ask forgiveness rather than permission. See you at five thirty.”
When he pulled up an hour later, he looked like a literal lamb going to the slaughter. Frank was glaring at her when she walked out her front door, ready for a fight, but she ignored him. Mark had a higher rank than him. He was the one she needed to focus on.
“Buck up, Mark. You need to look fierce, like a real security detail, to get me through the border.”
“Frank says you had a false alarm earlier, and you’re not supposed to be leaving the house.”
“Frank overreacted after listening to me have a meltdown. Dude’s not anywhere near here. Besides, if he was, he can watch you take me back to Tuisa. I have zero desire to wake up to Vinny tackling me overnight because I had a nightmare.”
“Beta Nicholas said you were supposed to get permission from Tuisa first. Did you get that clearance?” Frank thought he was so smart, but she just smiled at him.