Page 20 of Whole Latte Love
“No, I haven’t given it much thought.” She folds her hands in her lap, looking at the ground. I can’t tell if she’s lying or not.
“I would like to officially date. As in, keep seeing you here in Kastle Harbor and then when I leave, continue dating if everything goes well between us.”
She runs her fingers in the sand. “I told you that I’m not looking for anything serious right now.”
“I just think there’s something special here.” I gesture between us, as she finally looks up.
“I don’t want to date exclusively. I’m fine with going on dates and eating meals together. Hell, I’m even down for more sex.” Her voice rises with each sentence. “But I’m not interested in anything serious. I told you that up front.” Marie exasperatedly sighs, clearly annoyed.
“Okay.” I take her hand and squeeze it gently. “Nothing serious, we have an expiration date. We’ll see other while I’m here and when I leave, I leave.”
“I’m sorry Theo.” Her voice cracks. “I just can’t.”
“It’s okay.” I rub her shoulders, trying to ease the stress that she appears to be under. “If you’ll have me as a casual date, then a casual date I’ll be.” I kiss her forehead lightly.
“Can we just pretend this conversation never happened and go back to having fun together?” she stands, reaching out her hand. She helps me stand up.
I’ll have to take Marie as she’ll have me.
So much for not falling fast for a woman.
A pain starts in my heart as she stares at me. There’s both sadness and hope within her dazzling green eyes. I follow her to the ocean’s edge.
Letting the waves crash over my feet, I watch as Marie makes her way further into the water. Until she’s just a chest and head bobbing. She waves me to join her.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
It’s not heartache. I still have time with Marie. I won’t waste it.
I follow her into the water. Ready to salvage the day and enjoy this time.
Love is never convenient.
It’s been almosta week since I proposed dating exclusively and seriously with Marie. The rest of our beach time was slightly awkward. Despite both of us pretending as if I hadn’t basically professed my love for her after a night together, we did have a pleasant time. When we were done, I kissed her cheek, and she hugged me tightly. It was a comforting moment, but all too brief.
We parted ways with promises of texting later. She hasn’t reached out and I haven’t texted her since. I want to give her space. Maybe she’ll realize she feels the same for me.
Or maybe she won’t see me again.
Nonetheless, I’ve dived into my book. I’ve started to make serious progress. The romantic in me is giving my detective a happily ever after.
Even if I don’t get one.
When I’m not writing I take walks on the beach. I’ve gotten coffee at the bakery, trying the different brews they have available. Marie and her brother really know their stuff. I have yet to have a bad cup of coffee.
Today it’s some sort of Brazil peaberry bean. It has a smooth flavor and it’s a little more sweetness than the other brews. The lady working told me it should have notes of unsweetenedchocolate with a hint of vanilla. I’m not a coffee expert but I’m getting some vanilla nutty flavor. No run in with Marie, she probably makes coffee at her roastery anyways.
It’s Friday night and I don’t want to waste another day.
Theo: Hope you’re doing well. Had the peaberry at the bakery. Best one so far.
I set my phone aside and decide to get pizza again tonight. There’s something about that honey and pepperoni combo that Kal’s serves that is just mouthwatering. I’m a few slices in when my phone goes off.
Marie: It’s one of my favorites too. I’m doing well, very busy with the roastery. How’s your book? Making progress or napping on the beach?