Page 24 of Whole Latte Love
“It took time, but it helped that when I met Liam everything just sort of felt right. It was hard to explain but I knew he had to stick around.” She sighs, “I know that’s not super helpful.”
“No,” I wipe my nose again, “that’s quite helpful. The biscotti analogy kind of makes sense. I know I’ve delt with my grief and that Seth will always be a part of my heart, but I also know if I want to be happy, I need to make room in my heart for the possibility that I find another person whom I’d like to spend the rest of my life with.”
She nods along. “Yes. Do you think Theo could be the one who you let into your heart?”
“That’s the question of the day, isn’t it?” I grin at her, feeling a little more at ease now. We get up and hug. “Thank you for this. Can we talk about my business proposal later?”
“Of course, just stop by.” She squeezes me tightly once more before I leave.
Twice baked biscotti. Weird analogy but it has me thinking.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to try to give a relationship a serious attempt. Theo is here for a few more weeks, but he’s traveling afterwards. It’s not a bad train ride to New York, I could manage a train trip to the city. I won’t fly to Canada or California, but maybe he’d be open to visiting me in Kastle Harbor in between book tour locations.
I can do it. I can be biscotti.
I can’t help but laugh out loud as I walk home. Bethany was helpful, guiding me through my thoughts and feelings that have been muddled and weighed down with guilt.
I can choose to be happy. The first step is taking a risk.
If I don’t see him before then, I’ll talk to Theo after our double date on Tuesday.
Not acting on your feelings is rough. I return from my walk with Marie and get settled back at my desk. I’ve managed to outline my book in its entirety and even made a few notes for what could happen in the next book. My editor will be thrilled.
I send off my first half of my manuscript. I continue to chug along with the second half.
Once I started writing the other day, I couldn’t stop. It helped to have a distraction from this Marie thing. I’ve never really lost a loved one, so it’s hard to imagine exactly how she must feel. When I broke off my engagement, I swore I’d never let that happen to me again.
But I kept falling for the wrong women.
They’d be charming and sweet, and we’d laugh together, and I’d be absolutely smitten. Then something would click. Whether it was a response to a gift, or wanting to be overly public with our relationship, there was always some type of sign that I found before it got too serious. While I think I’m still falling too fast for Marie, it feels different than any time before.
We could really have something special.
But I’ll spend time with her anyway she’ll have me, for now that’s casually dating. I don’t want to wait until Tuesday to see her. Maybe I’ll just text her and see if she wants to grab pizza. I’ll have to add another run to my plans for tomorrow. All this pizza is going to ruin my abs.
Theo: Want to come over for pizza tomorrow night? I’m thinking about ordering in.
Marie: If the order includes mushrooms, then count me in.
Theo: Done, one with mushrooms just for you. Come over at 6? I’ll text the address.
Marie: See you then!
Once I send the rental’s address, I get back to work. I have a million emails now that we’ve added extra stores to the book tour. I have things to sign, hotels to approve, and other miscellaneous things.
I wish I had a personal assistant for this stuff.
Maybe they’d handle my love life too.
Kal’s pizzaarrives right before Marie shows up. I place everything out on the kitchen island. We grab slices and settle onto the couch while the pizza is hot. We eat and talk about the best and worst pizza toppings. Surprisingly we both enjoy pineapple on our pizza.
“I guess we can still be friends.”
We both chuckle. I really do love Marie’s company.
“Speaking of which…” She sets her plat down and crosses her legs as she turns to face me on the couch. She clasps and unclasps her hands. “I’ve been thinking about this whole casual situation.”