Page 4 of Whole Latte Love
I haven’t dated in years, going home with a stranger wouldn’t even be a possibility.
I continue to walk around the different rooms inside. I find the bar, but still no seating chart. With one last look, I decide to just ask the person closest to me. I tap the guy on the shoulder and when he turns to face me, I’m momentarily speechless.
He’s wearing grey slacks, a light blue button-down shirt, and a green and blue patterned tie. Typical wedding attire, but everything fits him perfectly.
He seems like the same height as my brother, so he’s probably six foot two. His dark blonde hair looks like it’s peppered with natural highlights giving him an almost angelic halo. I’d wonder if his hair was dyed but his tanned skin makes me think he just spends a lot of time outdoors. Maybe he’s like a California surfer or something.
After he tells me where the seating chart is I thank him and lightly squeeze him arm. It’s a gesture that’s automatic but I find myself conflicted. I want to linger, to touch him again, but at the same time I feel panic. My heart flutters. I haven’t had feelings for another guy in years. It must be just because he’s attractive.
You can’t fight natural attraction.
I can admire him from afar. Maybe I’ll run into him later, just to catch his name. Or I’ll never see him again. Either way, I’ll leave it up to fate.
Right now, I’m ready to celebrate my friends and enjoy the reception.
I sipmy scotch and contemplate making a lap around the inside of the house again when a cheery voice pulls me from my thoughts.
“Hey stranger,” the intriguing woman from earlier greets me as she places her purse and pashmina down on the table. She takes the seat next to me. I lean to the side and try to see the name card, but it’s blocked now by the items.
“Hello.” I set my scotch down and wipe my damp right hand on my thigh. “I don’t think we exchanged names earlier. I’m Theodore Birch. I’m a friend of Jake’s from our college days.”
“Nice to meet you.” She shakes my hand before sitting down. “Marie Brunes. I’m a friend of both Jake and Violet. Although I’ve only more recently know Jake. Violet and I go way back since we’ve both lived here forever.”
“Ah, you’re a Kastle Harbor native then?” I try to not stare at the way her dress hugs her curves.
“I’m originally from Quebec, Canada, but grew up here in town with my grandparents. I run the Moon Brew Coffee Roastery with my brother Victor.” Her eyes scan the room as if she’s looking for him. “His fiancée was the best-woman so I’m sure you’ll run into him later. He’s like a taller, gruffer versionof me.” She laughs as she imitates a bodybuilder type muscle man pose with her arms. Showing off nonexistent muscles, but unintentionally providing me with quite a view of her cleavage.
“As I’m sure you’re aware, but I don’t live near here. I split my time between Toronto and New York City. I’m a writer,” I reply, hoping she hasn’t quite realized my low status fame.
“Toronto is a beautiful city,” she replies glossing over my career tidbit. Marie looks around us, twisting in her seat.
Her dress hugs her curves. The silk looks like it was draped and sewn specifically for her body. I resist the urge to reach out and touch. To see if her sun kissed skin is as warm to the touch as I imagine.
There’s a whirlpool of emotions inside of me. I’ve been trying to avoid the whole falling fast for the wrong woman, but at the same time I find myself needing to know if Marie is single. I don’t see a ring, so I assume she isn’t married. I take a sip of my scotch, trying to distract myself from the dirty thoughts that are creeping in.
“Looking for your date?” I ask her, my curiosity getting the best of me.
She faces me, her green eyes holding mine.
“No, I’m not currently in a relationship. Just looking to see if my brother’s fiancée is here yet. They should be at our table. She’s a big reader so I thought maybe she’d like to meet you.” I’m listening to her words, but I’m distracted by her lips once again.
Are they as sweet as they look?
I can’t help but lick my lips.
“You don’t know what I write though,” I reply, realizing I didn’t tell her anything besides being a writer. “Or do you know who I am?” My heart drops. Maybe she’s a fan… and my protective wall starts to go up.
“No, I’ve never heard of you. I mainly read Harlequin-type romances and your name is too catchy for me to not rememberit. But Sally reads anything and everything when she has time.” Marie tilts her head to the side slightly, as if she’s trying to figure me out.
“Do you want a hint?” I sip my scotch and wait for her response. Her brows draw together as the corners of her mouth pull downward. She looks conflicted, deep in thought. It’s endearing and I can’t help but grin wickedly back at her.
“I want to say something in the thriller genre?” She smirks as if she knows me. “I’m going to say some type of detective story though.”
“Final answer?” I set my drink down. Marie tucks her hair behind her ears and nods in response. “I do write detective novels. But I’m curious. How did you come to that conclusion?”