Page 6 of Whole Latte Love
The tears start to prickle at the corners of my eyes. I grab my napkin to subtly dab them before they start to trickle. Weddings bring up a lot of happy memories for me. I’m happy for Violet finding her own soulmate, but I miss mine.
As I set the napkin back down, I catch Theo watching me, concern on his face. My cheeks warm at the thought of him consoling me by wrapping me in his arms. My voice barely manages a quiet, “I’m fine,” before the couple announces dinner is served and everyone at the table sits down again.
I sip some of my wine before steering the table back into conversation. “I never knew there could be such strong opinions on turkey preparation,” I say, waiting for the private moment between me and Theo to just disappear.
Dinner passes as our table makes its way through the entire thanksgiving feast, including what sides are the best, which vegetables are better because they’re in season, how you should cook the turkey, and even which pies to avoid.
I sneak glances at Theo during the meal to see if he’s enjoying himself or begrudgingly getting through the night at our table. I was right though. Sally and Theo have met before when he visited Jake in the city. She’s also read all his books. They didn’t talk about that more than her saying something about the latest one and how she’s looking forward to the movie.
It’s interesting to hear just how different other peoples’ lives can be from yours.
When dinner is cleared, the speeches are made, and cake is cut. The couple has their first dance together and finally, it’s time for the dance floor to be in full swing.
The band is playing a variety of classic wedding songs, romantic slow jams, and current pop hits. I find myself swaying to the music as I finish my slice of cake. I look around at the happy couples on the dance floor yearning for what I used to have.
“Care to dance with me?” Theo disrupts my thoughts. He extends his hand, waiting for me to take it. Now that I know he’s a big shot author, I’m curious if he’s ever been denied by a woman.
“I’d love to dance.” I put my hand in his, letting him gently pull me up. I leave my pashmina on my chair and follow him.
He navigates us through the small crowd for a more centered part of the dance floor. As evening set the little fairy type lights were turned on. Under the warm lighting, I admire his square jaw and the way his blue eyes seem to sparkle as if they have flecks of gold glitter in them.
We start to dance to the face paced music the band is playing. Enjoying ourselves in this moment. I’m determined to have a good time. It’s been ages since I’ve gone dancing though. I move my hips to the music, but I find myself unsure of what to with my hands. I can’t help but find a moment of silliness.
“What’s your favorite lame dance move?” I ask Theo as I display the sprinkler dance move. “This is mine.”
I grin as he laughs. I love his laugh, it’s like a full belly laugh that’s loud and genuine.
“That’s a tough question.” He takes my hand and gives me a twirl, lingering, holding my hand for just a moment longer than necessary. He lets go before showing me the shopping cart. “Let’s go with a tie between shopping cart and lawnmower. Both are classic dad moves.”
The music starts to change as we can continue to show off various embarrassing dance moves. As a slow song starts to creep in, Theo places a hand on my lower back. The warmth radiates through my silk dress and the move sends a shiver down my spine.
It’s a classic love story type song. Theo pulls me in closer as the singer croons. My heart pounds faster in my chest and I can only hope that he can’t feel it despite my breasts being pushed right up against his chest. I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder.
A slow dance is just a few minutes of normalcy that comes with being in a partnership. It’s something I haven’t experienced in quite a while. This glimpse of happiness is bittersweet, but I’m going to savor ever minute, nonetheless.
Marie nestles into my chest, her head on my shoulder as we sway slightly to the music. And at this moment, I never want this night to end. For now, I hold her close and enjoy the way she feels in my arms.
We continue to dance for a while longer. Goofing off with others around us when the fast pop songs make their way back to the band’s set list. We laugh. We talk. We enjoy each other’s company. As the evening winds down, Marie excuses herself to head back to the table to grab her stuff before she heads home. I walk her to her car, eager for any extra minute together.
“I had a wonderful time tonight, Theodore.” Her cheeks are flushed and hair a little wild from the dancing. Yet her eyes are downcast, as if she’s unsure of what to say next or embarrassed for having a good time.
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear before I gently tilt her chin upwards. “Call me Theo. We’re friends.”
Before she slips away from my grasp, I lean down and kiss her gently. As my lips touch hers, she sighs into my mouth. I press my lips firmly, kissing her deeper and with more passion than the simple peck I set out to give her. I don’t want to push her, but I’m hungry for more. Once again, I find the small of her back and pull her against me. She moans softly as I move my tongue in and around hers.
It’s a dance of our lips and tongues. Knowing we’re in public is all that’s holding me back. Her hands hold me tightly, the heat between us seemingly combusting in this one quiet moment of goodbye. She pulls away first, out of breath her chest rising and falling under the twinkling lights. I want to forever remember this kiss.
It means something. Everything.
“I need to go, but maybe we’ll run into each other before you leave town,” her voice wavers. She pulls her pashmina around her shoulders and snags her bag from the table.
“Or, we don’t have to leave it up to chance.” I take her free hand in mine. I stare into her forest green eyes once more. “Have dinner with me this week. Just name a place and time.”The silence stretches between us. For a second, I feel as if I’m repeating my past mistakes. Falling too fast.
“Okay. Waterfront Bistro, Friday night at six. I’ll meet you there and we’ll pay separately.” Marie pulls her hand from mine and opens her purse. She hands me her phone. “Go ahead and add your contact info and I’ll just text you so you have mine.”
I can’t help but grin. “You drive a hard bargain, but I want to go out to dinner with you. Maybe after this first date you’ll see how much of a catch I am and agree to a second one… onme.” I type my name and number into her phone.