Page 9 of Whole Latte Love
I flip through my pocket-sized notepad and start copying some of the notes and phrases onto a blank word document.
I have my main plotline figured out but with the thought of the series becoming movies, I feel like there’s something missing. One of the notes I type is about building walls around a person after heartache. As soon I see the words on the screen I think back to my own instances of broken hearts over the years.
Flashbacks of my college years and my first couple of long-term relationships come up. I think about the good parts and how I could incorporate some romance into my story for my lead detective. I think I’ve had him go one too many books of solving mysteries and going home for a whiskey alone. Perhaps it’s time for him to be in love.
I write out some potential ways to work in a partner. My detective could run into her on a case, she could be a new cop in the station, or a psychologist he goes to for advice on his case. The possibilities are endless. My list is getting longer and longer. I decide to just bite the bullet, pick one way to incorporate the woman in the detective’s life, and just start typing.
I don’t pay attention to the time. I’m in the zone, my full focus is on my laptop screen. The word count is rising. A few hours later I break to make some tea. As I settle back at my desk my phone rings. Glancing at the screen I see that it’s my publicist, Jackson. With a loud exasperated sigh, I decide to just answer it.
“Mr. Birch, how’s your vacation?” The soft clacks of his keyboard are like white noise to me now. Jackson is always working on something in the background.
“Jackson, call me Theo. We’ve talked about this.” I take my phone call to the living room. The windows are huge and the natural sunlight coming in today makes me yearn for getting outside.
“Yes sir.” He clears his throat. “Theo, how’s your break from the city?”
“It’s been an excellent reset for my system,” I reply, staring out the front windows, letting the sun seep into my skin. Being in the zone means the second I hang up I’ll be right back at my desk hunched over my laptop. I won’t reemerge from the den until the moon is out.
“Good to hear. We’ve been speaking with the marketing team and your editor, and we have the drafted schedule for your book tour. We’re thinking towards the end of fall for a release. Maybe mid-October for the launch party in Toronto before heading to Los Angeles and New York City.”
“Jackson, they don’t even have the book yet. Don’t you think it’s a little ambitious to start a book tour this fall? What if my editor hates the manuscript?” I start to pace around the room. My deadline is approaching and I’m sure I’ll work out the kinks to my story, but there’s no way I’ll be done with edits and revisions and ready to publish before fall.
“With all the commotion we’re getting with the movie deal we want to take full advantage and ride the wave of success. This is the best route to do that. We’d prefer to start the tour mid-August, but we don’t have everything back yet from the different cities. You’re back in Toronto next week, right? We have documents for you to sign and the marketing team wants you in on a few meetings for your launch party.”
“No, not next week,” I pause and consider my return plans. I just started to get somewhere with my book. “I think I’ll be here through the end of the summer. Maybe back early August.”
Jackson is silent on the other end. The typing ended and I momentarily think the call got dropped.
“August?” he croaks.
“Sorry but I’m doing this. It’s what I need for the book.” My tea is cold and my mouth dry. I wonder how many dates I can go on with Marie before I leave. Or if she’d do long distance. Maybe we’d alternate who’d fly back and forth.
I’m getting way ahead of myself.
One evening with the woman and I’m already contemplating using miles to fly her out to Toronto. Falling too fast, I need to reign it in. We haven’t even had our first date yet.
I sigh and rub my forehead, waiting for Jackson to reply and argue over my plan.
“If you can finish the book and send it to your editor by the end of August, we will expedite everything else. Because of the movie deal everything is already on the fast track anyways.” He’s running through everything more quickly now. I wonder if he has a meeting that I’m keeping him from. “We’ll email the documents, do virtual meetings, and move forward with things at a quicker pace. The book tour dates are basically finalized but we’ll still need your final approval.”
“I can handle all of that.”
“Okay then,” his typing sounds return, “I must run, I have a meeting. Please keep a constant eye on your email and keep your phone with you. Enjoy the beach. Bye, Mr. Birch.”
“Bye, Jackson.” I don’t even correct him on my preferred nickname. There’s no point. He’s a suit and tie, briefcase, last names kind of guy. Jackson is a professional through and through.
As I tuck my phone into my back pocket, I think about extending my stay here. But just as I sit down to start figuring out my Airbnb situation, I see my story up on my screen and get an idea for the scene. I have found my groove again.
I’m sure I’ll be at my desk until my date on Friday.
I’m in Kastle Harbor for writing, not romance. It’s my new mantra.
I just hope it works.
Thank goodness it’s finally Friday. Work has been crazy busy. Bethany was right about the extra pastries. People loved havingthem while they waited for me to collect their pre-orders or fill their in-store requests. We didn’t have any for the tasting classes on Thursday night.
I’ll have to ask Victor his input on further expanding our business relationship with Sprinkles Bakery & Café.