Page 22 of Lost Sons MC
Cletas giggled in the funny way babies do.
“Yeah buddy, she has it in her.” Midge smiled down at him. “All women do when it comes to their babies. I’m bettin’ on the mama bear in this one.”
* * * *
Waking up, Lola didn’t understand where she was. One minute, she was in bed at the farmhouse and the next someone... OH! They had covered her mouth with their hand and she felt a pinprick on her neck. Her head pounded and she felt odd, like... they had drugged her! She was on some sort of hard surface now and her body felt sluggish.
Lying quietly, she listened for any sound.
“So, gel, you are awake.”
With a gasp, she held still.
“Come on lass, sit up.”
Lola felt too afraid to move at all.
“You want I should snatch yer kid?” he threatened.
She bolted up and looked over at where the voice had come from. Her stomach clenched and her chest tightened with fear. “You don’t touch my son!” Her words were shaky but she meant them.
“I won’t have ta do that if you’ll just tell me what I want to know.”
Lola stared at him... a tall man well dressed in a suit like he had a power meeting to go to. He sat in a folding chair a few feet away. She’d only seen him two whole times before but she knew this was Liam himself. “What do you want to know?”
“Why did you rat me out?”
Lola stared at him as she remembered the day he was arrested. She had seen it on a news report as police cars with their lights flashing red and blue surrounded the club the Steele brothers owned as people came and went, some of them had been in handcuffs. Lonnie and Trey had been led out of the club with a police escort. A moment later, they led Ginger out in handcuffs as well. A second scene showed a bar on the other side of town. The bar Liam Stroughten owned. He was being taken out of the doors with his hands behind his back. Cursing and fighting, he was led out to the waiting police car.
Lola also remembered a crowd flashing in the video and she had noticed Hector Gratis standing at the edge of the crowd. There were two men standing beside him and she knew they were his bodyguards.
“Yeh, I see you remember,” Liam noted.
“I do, but your sister left me no choice.”
He stood from the chair as he looked enraged. “Ginger is gone! And it is because of you!”
“No, it was because of you!” she shouted. “You had her spying on a cartel! What did you think would happen?”
He looked red in the face. “And after they killed her, what did you think would happen?”
Lola lowered her head. “I didn’t know about that until tonight.”
“Well, I knew.” He seethed.
Lola shook her head. “I tried to stay out of it, but Ginger kept dragging me back in. She told Lonnie she was carrying his baby and then she told him she was afraid of what might happen to their child if you all went to war. She begged him to find me and turn me over to the cartel in her place to stop it from exploding in their faces.”
Liam let out a dry, cold laugh. “That would be Ginger alright and she wasn’t with child. And she was smart and selfish. But she was still my sister. They took her apart, ya know? Piece by piece.”
Lola shuddered. “I was never involved in any of it. I just happened to work there at the bar. I showed up for my shift, did what I was told to do and I got the hell out of there every night.”
“But you saw something,” he said.
“I did. And what I saw is what messed up your whole game.”
Liam crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her doubtfully.
“She and Lonnie were skimming off the top,” Lola informed him. “Taking part of the drug shipments for themselves. Then in turn, they took some of the money too. I think they did that to balance it out.”