Page 60 of Empire of Light
“Yes. Fine. Thank you.” I nodded. “But I’m going as well.”
His mouth pulled to a grim line as he studied me. “I didn’t doubt it. Though I caution against it.”
“I’m going.”
His look didn’t veer off me. “Aiden, you good with this?”
“Yep. Mostly because Skye would kill me if I wasn’t. We owe him. Damen was good to her sister years ago. Not to mention how he helped us with that debacle in the Pacific.”
Triaten gave him a curt nod.
Hell. Clearly there was a lot of history here that Triaten had never filled me in on.
Triaten expelled a big sigh. “Helen is going to know exactly where we disappeared to.”
“Not if she’s distracted,” Charlotte said.
“How is that going to happen?” Triaten asked. “The woman is never distracted.”
Charlotte rubbed a hand around her enormous belly. “You remember how the last delivery was?”
Triaten visibly paled. “Yes.”
Aiden leaned down next to me, whispering behind his hand to my ear. “It was hell.”
Charlotte patted the top of her belly. “I’m going to have this baby early. Helen won’t leave my side.”
Triaten moved in front of her, grabbing her shoulders. “If my baby is coming, I’m not leaving you either.”
She waved her hand into the air. “Then get your ass to Mykonos, do your damn job, and get Damen back. Then get your ass back here before this baby pops. You know you could hardly stand to be in the room last time anyway.” Grabbing his cheeks, she leaned forward over her belly and kissed him.
She pulled back and looked at Aiden. “And you’re making sure he gets back to me.”
“Well, fuck, Charlotte. Put a little pressure on me, why don’t you.” Aiden stepped over to her and kissed her cheek as he moved towards the door. “You know I always do.”
“And I love you for it,” she called out.
Reaching for the doorknob, Aiden looked back over his shoulder. “I’m going to catch up with Skye on my way to the airfield, let her know the plan. She’s probably been waiting for me to rescue her from Helen for the last fifteen minutes.” He looked to me and Triaten. “See you two on the plane in fifteen.”
Triaten gave him a nod.
And I expelled a sigh of relief.
We didn’t have Damen back yet, but I knew my chances had never been better.
{ Ada }
We had a force of twenty panthenite warriors that Aiden had scrambled from various European locales on the yacht with us off the coast of Mykonos.
I’d been thinking it would just be the three of us on the mission. I should have known better.
Triaten and Aiden did nothing half-assed.
Just to the south of Victor Genora’s compound that jutted out into the sea on a peninsula, we had three lines of attack into his compound. The malefic’s arrogant need for a grandiose show of impenetrability was on full display. Only one who thought he could overcome all threats would sleep on a strip of land that jutted outward to meet the sea as it did.
Not that the main part of the compound was easy to get to—we would have to scale cliffs and then approach strategically for a good mile no matter what route we took in. For a fit team like ours, that should only take twenty minutes after we reached the cliffs—fifteen if I wasn’t slowing them down.