Page 63 of Empire of Light
That part was a relief.
The long length of a blade with the tip poised over Damen’s heart was bad.
I followed the blade up the arm to see a malefic that looked similar to Damen—shorter and with a pug nose that made him look like he was wheezing with every breath.
Perseus Folotto. I recognized him from all the homework I’d done on the Folottos years ago.
Perseus’s look skittered about the room, trying to place who we were and where we had come from. His sword over Damen’s heart his last defense against whoever had just broken up their little torture party.
To my left, I could hear Aiden taking on two different swords in the haze of the smoke. To my right, Triaten had felled one guard on that side of the room and he surged at Perseus.
No choice but to block the sword coming at his head, Perseus jumped away from Damen and I charged forward, swinging my blade at the chains holding him to the wall.
One swing and sparks flew. Another. A third and the chain holding his right arm broke free. I moved to his left arm.
Swinging just above his hand at the chain. Once. Twice.
A bolt of electricity filled the room, sending all my nerves on fire and I stilled, the shock rolling through me, sending my muscles numb.
A moment of weakness and Damen lunged out from the wall next to me, a roar on his lips, his right arm high in the air.
I heard the flesh separate before I could spin around.
With the electrical shock he’d sent into the room, Perseus had escaped Triaten’s attack and was swinging for my neck.
He hit Damen’s arm instead, cutting his flesh to the bone.
A growl in his throat, Damen shoved the blade embedded in his arm away from my neck, sending his brother stumbling backward, falling on his ass.
Triaten’s blade was to Perseus’s neck in an instant.
All the blades stopped clashing and I turned to the wall, swinging with all my might at the chain still holding Damen to the wall. The links separated and Damen stumbled forward, half landing on me. My arms wrapped around him, righting him.
It took several long seconds for strength to sink into his legs and he lifted his weight off of me.
His lips went to my ear. “Give me your sword, Ada.”
I slipped the handle into his left hand. His right arm dangled at his side, having been cleaved half through.
Damen heaved a breath in and he staggered away from me, stopping in front of his brother now weaponless and on his knees on the ground. Triaten moved behind Damen’s brother, the tip of his sword digging into Perseus’s back in line with his heart.
Damen set the edge of my blade against the length of his brother’s throat.
I glanced at Aiden on the other side of the room. He had Victor wrenched back by his hair, a dagger pointing up into his chin, ready to drive up into his brain.
Bloodied words spit from Damen’s mouth. “Don’t kill Victor just yet.”
Aiden’s face twisted in disgust. Spilling malefic blood was his favorite pastime.
Damen looked down at his brother as he turned his head to the side and spit out a wad of blood from his mouth. “Brother, tell me you are not behind this. Tell me Genora lied to you. Tell me he convinced you somehow to betray me. Betray the Folotto blood.”
Perseus stared straight into Damen’s eyes, not wavering. “I am not behind this.”
Damen’s top lip quivered. “Then why in the fuck would you join forces with Genora? Spend hours slicing away at my skin?”
Perseus stared at him for long breaths, almost holding. But then he broke under Damen’s glare, his lips sneering. “Because of that one.” Mouth bared, he gnashed his teeth in my direction. “That bitch took you away from us. The fucking enemy and she took you away from your kind.” His glare darted back to Damen. “You killed Oriane for this witch.”
Surprise registered on Damen’s face. “Oriane is alive.”