Page 69 of Empire of Light
I had to stretch my arms out and grab onto the edge of the counter to hold myself from going to her. From wrapping her in my arms and trying to physically force the repulsion she harbored for herself out of her.
“You are the same person, Ada. The same woman that stormed into my life and convinced me that there were things in this world worth living for, worth fighting for, worth being.”
Her startled eyes caught mine, staring at me. “You say those things, yet you look like you’d like to strip the skin off of my flesh.”
“Because I’m pissed at you for a multitude of reasons right now.”
She nodded, her right hand fidgeting toward her stomach, pulling at the black fabric of her tank. “What is the top reason?”
“Because you came for me.”
“Of course I came after you.”
I groaned, dragging a hand over my face. “I never asked you to do that. I didn’t want you to do that—I never want you to put yourself in danger like that. And I’m inordinately pissed that you would do so.”
She took a step toward me. “Why would you think I wouldn’t come after you?”
“Because I’m a monster.”
Another step toward me. “You are not a monster. You are complicated to no end, yes. But a monster?” Her head shook. “No. A monster you are not.”
I stared at her, weighing the weight of those words from her lips. Looking for the lie.
But there was one thing Ada had always been with me, and that was honest. She may be repulsed by the blood in her own veins, but she wasn’t repulsed by me. Not really.
Which meant she would eventually come to accept what she truly was, and if I had to be her guiding star forward in order for that to happen, then I would be the damn sun for her.
My head lifted and dropped in one silent nod, accepting what she said.
But she still wasn’t off the hook. “Not only did you come for me when you shouldn’t have, you brought those two pricks with you.”
She laughed. “Did it matter who I brought?”
“Yes…no…but yes.” My glare ate into her. “But I’m giving you Leo’s contact info for next time. He can pull a team together in minutes.”
“Except I imagine he wouldn’t allow me to help in any such rescue efforts. I imagine the second you get a phone back in your hands, you’re going to issue that very order to him.”
My mouth closed, my lips pulling to a grim line. I had already added that very thing into my mental to-do list.
“Exactly.” A scowl crawled onto her face. “And I will not be cut out of your life. Especially if it is a life-or-death situation. If I am death, then I should certainly be able to damn well wield it to save your ass. So I will stick with my very capable uncle and pseudo uncle for any rescue missions, thank you very much.”
“You are driving me straight to insanity,” I growled. “You do not understand the severity of my people, Ada. You came for me when you had no fucking idea what you were walking into.”
“The only thing I needed to know was who I was walking toward.” Her voice dipped low, full of intention as her look seared into mine, the blistering electricity that I knew so well in her sparking like fireworks in her eyes.
Bloody fucking hell.
At that, I couldn’t hold myself at the bar any longer.
I charged forth, grabbing her hard, kissing her like I wanted to devour her, inch by inch. Because I did.
I stripped off her black tank and bra, slid down her pants and panties, baring her body to me. Just one thing left.
My hands slowing, I unclasped the titanium band around her upper right arm, and she made no motion to stop me, just stared at me, complete trust shining in her eyes as I did so. I set it on the bar top. Completely bare to me, every speck of her. The only body I ever wanted to worship.
She fucking came to save me.
I still couldn’t quite get that fact right in my head.