Page 75 of Empire of Light
Triaten’s eyes flew wide. “You weren’t in here? But we saw you?—”
“Me? I didn’t take her anywhere—I was just downstairs.” I unclenched my fingers from his shirt, taking a step back. “What the fuck are you even doing here?”
“No, you start talking fast, Damen, or I am going to feed you piece by piece to the fucking Genoras.”
I growled at him. “What is it you think I did?”
“We saw you take Ada—I knew we shouldn’t have trusted you, but Ada insisted you were worth it. Now this.”
“Saw me? What in the hell? I’ve been down in the hotel restaurant working with a guy on a new phone and I just got back up here and she’s gone.” I grabbed the front of his shirt again, sticking my face in his. “What the hell did you see?”
A hand slapped onto the open door and Aiden rushed into the room. “It wasn’t him.”
Triaten looked to him, his brows collapsing inward. “No?”
I shoved my hand off of Triaten’s chest, making sure I pushed him into the wall with the motion. “Tell me right now what the fuck you two are still doing here.”
Triaten glanced at me. “Charlotte called on our way to the airfield—her labor stopped. I assume Ada told you she was pregnant?”
I nodded.
“The baby isn’t actually due for another month, but Char induced labor to keep Helen busy while we went after your sorry ass.”
What the hell? Ada hadn’t told me that part.
Triaten’s eyes went to pinpricks on me. “We didn’t need to get home right away so we checked in with some of our contacts in the city yesterday and then stayed here overnight.”
Aiden stepped partly between us, I imagined because he could see we were both still ready to pummel each other.
He glanced at Triaten. “I watched the rest of the surveillance tape.” His look shifted to me. “We came up to the room to talk to Ada before we left, but found the door open and no Ada and all the water everywhere. So we went down to the surveillance room and played back the feed. It looked like you were leading a slew of men carrying a writhing Ada wrapped in sheets to the service elevator.”
“What the fuck?”
“The one in charge—he looked like you,” Aiden said.
“It wasn’t me.”
“I saw that.” Aiden looked to Triaten. “After you saw Damen walking into here and came up after him, I found the rest of the feed when they got out of the service elevator in the garage below ground. The cameras caught a different angle of who we thought was Damen.” His attention went onto me. “He looks like you but he isn’t.”
“Talk faster.” My fingers flicked in the air. “What did they do with her?”
Aiden seethed in a breath, his head shaking. “It was strange, creepy as all hell. When the men were shoving her into the back of a van, the one in charge pulled the sheet and comforter they had wrapped her up in off of her head and he…well, whoever he is…he gently smoothed her hair out of her face, and he leaned down and…kissed her forehead. And I still thought it was you, so I didn’t think too hard on it since I thought it was you. And the fucker kissed her forehead for a very long time. A very long time. Not hard. Gentle.”
Hot, sticky bile ran up my throat.
Aiden shrugged, his lip curling in disgust. “But it was awkward. So much so that she was squirming, trying to jerk away and the four men holding her body down in the back of the van started looking at each other. But he just held her head still, kissing her forehead. Like he was making out with it. Then he finally stopped and turned around and I saw that his eyes weren’t like yours—they were way too close together, like his nose ended below his eyes.”
The only brother left that looked like me.
Motherfucking from the bowels of hell Cletus.
I’d been searching the ever-loving planet for him for years, and he showed up now? Stealing Ada?
I charged past Triaten and slammed both of my fists into the wall. Again. Plaster crunching. Again. Blood flying. Again. And again.