Page 78 of Empire of Light
All three of us stared at the phone, our breath held.
“Yep. There.” His squeaky voice sounded farther away like he was conferring with someone else. His voice came loud again. “Yes. This is a newer building, but it was built over the site of bunker. Looks like the original building above it was razed in the nineties and this one built. Probably just built right over it.” His voice slowed. “Same coordinates, but we’re sending shots of the door they disappeared into on the bottom level…now. We’re also cross-checking where other entrances to this bunker are—it would have had multiple entry-exit points.”
I nodded. Squeaky tech-guy knew his shit. I may have to have Leo poach him for our side.
“We’re on our way,” Aiden said and cut the call, swiped the screen to a map and he held it up to Triaten, his eyebrows lifting.
Steel. I needed steel.
I darted to the armoire in the corner of the room and pulled out Ada’s long blade and the two daggers she’d stashed in there when we arrived, one of them her dragonfly blade.
Turning around, I saw Triaten was right behind me, blocking me from taking a step. “You’re out,” he said. “I can feel the malefic raging in you. You’re unhinged and you’re going to get her killed.”
I shoved past him, setting the baldric over my neck and adjusting the leather strap for my frame. “No, you need me.”
Triaten jabbed a step to my side, trying to block my way to the door. “No, we don’t. We’ll get her back and we’re not going to let you fuck this up.”
My head snapped back. “Fuck this up? Who in the hell do you think you’re talking to?”
Aiden’s hand slid in between us and he nudged Triaten a step back. “Damen, the bunker is under a children’s hospital.”
I blinked, my eyes going wide. “Fucking hell. She’ll suffer anything to not detonate and kill kids.”
Aiden nodded. “Yes. Which is why you’re not coming.”
I knocked his arm out of the way, going toward the door. “Fuck you.”
“No.” Aiden’s meaty paw wrapped around my upper arm. “We are trying not to fuck ourselves over on this one. Not to fuck Ada over on this one.”
“What?” I hissed at him. “You don’t think I can control myself?”
“We have no doubt you are going to get Ada back—no matter what.” Triaten moved in front of me, his tone unreasonably placating. “And that’s the problem. We’re afraid that if Cletus gets her up into the hospital to use the children as shields, you’ll still go in willing to destroyanythingto get her back. Tell me that’s not true.”
My eyebrows drew inward, my look pure ice, freezing Triaten in place. “It is true. I would destroy the fucking world for her. But you think I would let anything happen to innocent children?”
I laughed, raw and caustic, my head shaking as my look went to the floor between us and then lifted, formidable, gouging deep into Triaten’s soul—the source of his supercilious, overbearing judgmental assholery. “Damn all of you. You think you know so much when you don’t know shit. Do you not understand that if I get Ada back at the expense of innocent children’s lives, that she would never forgive me? You think I’m going to let that happen?”
His jaw shifting back and forth, Triaten stared at me, weighing my words. It took three long breaths before he shook his head.
“Exactly.” I yanked my arm out of Aiden’s grip. “I’m coming. Besides, you need me.”
Triaten seethed a sigh. “Why in the hell would you think that?”
I glanced over my shoulder at him as I went out the door. “Because I’m the only one that can save her.”
“How’s that?”
My feet stopped, my look grave as I looked to Aiden and then to Triaten. “The devil himself has come for her, and I’m the only one that knows how to kill the devil.”
{ Ada }
Itested the iron shackle clamping my right arm to a St. Andrew’s cross.