Page 12 of Sweet Revenge

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Page 12 of Sweet Revenge

Shethrew the covers off in disgust and stumbled to the bathroom, knowing she wouldn’t get any more sleep no matter how much she tried.Aquick shower followed by a stop at a local twenty-four-hour diner for breakfast would kill enough time before the town’sHomeDepotopened.Overthe past two days, she’d distributed the last of the death certificates and run a bunch of other errands on her long list of things to do.Afterthat, she’d tackled the contents of the kitchen pantry and bathroom cabinets, keeping what was needed and discarding the rest.

Oncethat was all done, she’d sorted through her aunt’s walk-in closet full of clothes.Bagsand bags of dresses, coats, shirts, pants, shoes, and more were now ready to be donated to a local women’s shelter.Thetotal haul would probably take up all the spare room in herSUV, but they didn’t open for donations until 11:00 a.m.Untilthen, she needed to do something to take her mind offWest, so she decided to get some paint and supplies to give both bathrooms a new coat.Shewas still uncertain about moving back toHoldenor selling the house, but the interior and exterior needed sprucing up either way.Shewould probably hire a professional for some of the larger rooms, but she had no problem tackling the smaller ones herself.She’dbe there for three and a half more weeks, and sitting around, contemplating the one man she didn’t want to think about, would drive her crazy.

Duringbreakfast,Allieperused the local newspaper and did the daily crossword puzzle while drinking a third cup of coffee.Theextra caffeine would give her sleep-deprived mind and body the energy needed to get through the day.Hopefully, she’d be so exhausted that night she could stay asleep until at least dawn.Shewould need plenty of rest for when the troops arrived in the morning to help with everything that still needed to be done.

Alittle while later, she stood in the paint department atHomeDepot, staring at dozens of squares in various colors, trying to narrow down her choices.Afterwalking around her aunt’s home for the past several days,Alliewas sick of all the white walls and wanted to bring some subtle color into the rooms.Inher own condo, she’d painted several whole rooms or accent walls with muted or vibrant colors to brighten things up.Toher, plain white was just soblah.

Ittook some time, but she was down to three versions of pale green for the hall bathroom after about fifteen minutes or so.Thesamples were similar, yet several shades off from each other.Anearby display let her see how each color would manifest in the sunlight and under different variations of light bulbs, but she still couldn’t make up her mind.

“Needa second opinion?”

Shestartled at the voice coming from over her right shoulder, and a shiver went down her spine as she recognized the deep timbre.Spinningaround, she came face to chest withWestLockhart.Hestood only a few inches from her, and she had to step back to see his face without tilting her chin too far up.

Damn, he was more handsome today than he’d been the other night.Clean-shaven and dressed in well-worn jeans, construction boots, and a snug redT-shirt that hugged every chiseled section of his torso, he made her mouth water.Heepitomized the perfect male form, and she wished she was an artist who could sketch or sculpt his body.

“Uh, h-hi.Um, what are you doing here?”

Witha twinkle in his eyes, he shrugged nonchalantly and then pointed at three large tin cans on the floor by his feet. “Apparently, the same thing you’re doing—picking up some paint.Although,I’mgoing with an off-white color.Oneof my tenants moved out, andIhave to do a little updating before listing the apartment again.”Hegestured to the samples she was still holding. “Whatabout you?Paintingyour aunt’s house?”

Shelicked her lips, and his eyes flared as his gaze followed the motion. “Um, yeah.Ithasn’t been done in years, soIthoughtI’dbrighten it up before bringing in a realtor.”Notthat she’d decided to sell the place yet, but he didn’t have to know that.

Whatare the freaking odds of running into him like this?Thegoddesses ofFatemust have it in for her.Dosomething for the wrong reasons, no matter how much fun it’d been, and they shoved it in your face as a ghastly reminder instead of letting it fade into the past.

“Goodidea.”Hepaused for a moment while scratching his temple. “Um,Ihad a great time the other night and was disappointed to wake up alone.”

Regretfilled her as she remembered how much she’d wanted to stay and wake up beside him for morning sex.Themost idiotic thing she’d done was not tell him who she really was when she introduced herself to him.Ifhe’d recognized her and not been interested in her, then she wouldn’t have experienced the most incredible night of her life.Shealso wouldn't have known what she missed out on.Nowthat she did, her penance was that she could never tell him the truth. “Uh, yeah.Sorry?—”

Heheld up a hand, cutting off her automatic apology. “Iunderstand.You’reonly here for a few weeks before heading back to your life inDenver.Whystart something you can’t finish, right?”

Shenodded, taking the easy out he was giving her. “Exactly.I’mnot into one-night stands, just so you know, butI…felt a connection with you.”Thatwas true, but explaining further was out of the question.

“Isensed it too.Infact,Iwas kicking myself for not getting your number.Runninginto you here is like fate, though.”Heran a hand through his thick, dark hair. “Listen,Iunderstand your time inHoldenhas an end date, butI’dreally like to get to know you better while you’re here.CanItake you out to dinner tonight?”

Hereyes widened.Thatwas the last thing she’d expected him to ask.

“Youdon’t have to say yes,” he quickly added. “Butit’s been a while sinceI’vebeen with a woman who is as fascinating, funny, and entertaining as you are, andI’dlike to enjoy some time with you whileIcan.Wedon’t have to sleep together again if you don’t want to, butI’dbe interested in that, too, if you are.I…Ireally liked being with you the other night, and not only in bed.”

Placinga splayed hand on his chest, he raised his brows and appeared to be holding his breath as he awaited her response.Thewistfulness she saw in his eyes shattered her resolve to avoid him.Shecouldn’t turn him down, no matter how much she should. “I-I’dlike to see you again too.Dinnerwould be nice.”

Heexhaled in obvious relief. “Great!Um...Ihave to cover for one of my bartenders until five-thirty at the latest.Whydon’t you come to the bar around five fifteen?Assoon asIcan get out of there, we’ll walk up the street toBlueDanube.It’sa steakhouse owned by an older couple who moved toHoldena few years ago.Ibecame friends with them, and we eat at each other’s place every now and then.”

Atleast she didn’t have to worry about the owners recognizing her.Hopefully, she andWestwouldn’t encounter anyone they knew from school.Although, ifWeststill didn’t recognize her, it was doubtful anyone else would after all that time.

“Thatsounds great.I’llsee you around five-fifteen.”

Agrin spread across his handsome face before he pointed at one of the three samplesAlliewas still holding. “Throwingmy two cents in—that’s my choice.”Hepicked up his paint cans and stepped backward, still smiling broadly. “I’llsee you later,Allie.”


Shestood there, staring at his retreating back until he disappeared around the end of the aisle.Althoughshaking her head at the stupidity of agreeing to go on a date with him, she couldn’t deny that she was excited about it.

Glancingdown at the paint samples, she decided his choice was the right one.Damnit.


Sittingat the bar the next night,Allietook a sip of the sodaWesthad given her.Hewasn’t the only bartender on duty—Max, the young man from the other night, was also there—and she could see why.She’darrived at 5:15 on the nose to findWesthad saved her a seat—the same one she’d occupied the other night.There’dbeen a little sign in front of it that said, “Reserved,” and as soon as she’d walked in the door, he caught her eye and gestured toward the stool.Theplace was already three-quarters full, with more people coming in every few minutes.Thestaff was bustling.AccordingtoWest, since it was aFridayevening, every seat at the bar would be taken by six o’clock, with people stacked behind them, and there’d be at least a twenty-minute wait for tables.

Sinceshe hadn’t packed any clothes suitable for a date at a nice restaurant,Alliehad gone shopping at the mall after she’d leftHomeDepot.Ittook an hour and several stores to find a little black dress that fit her perfectly.Itwasn’t too formal or casual and could be dressed up or down with the right shoes and accessories.She’dalso picked up a pair of black-and-silver heels for tonight.

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