Page 14 of Sweet Revenge

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Page 14 of Sweet Revenge

Thehostess recognized him at once, smiled, and picked up two menus. “Goodevening,Mr.Lockhart.Yourtable is all set.Followme, please.”

Sheled them to one of the tables by the back windows, where they could enjoy a large landscaped yard with a gazebo and a pond with a fountain in the middle.Itall belonged to theFinches, and they often hosted small weddings and other events there.

“Wow, this is beautiful,”Alliesaid as he pulled out a chair for her.

“Isn’tit?Waituntil it gets darker—the lights will come on outside, and it looks like something out of a fairy tale.”

Hesat across from her as their waiter approached, wearing black dress pants, a crisp, white button-down shirt, and a sapphire tie. “Goodevening,Mr.Lockhart, ma’am.CanIget you something from the bar?”

“Hi,Chris.I’llhave aGlenfiddichon the rocks.Allie, would you like an old-fashioned or something else?”

Facingthe waiter, she asked, “Doyou have a pinot gris?”

“Yes, we have two.KingEstatefromOregon, andFranzKellerfromGermany.”

“I’llhave a glass of theKingEstate, please.”

WhenChrisleft to get their order,Westsmiled atAllie. “Itseems we have a similar taste for wine.That’sone of my favorites.”

Herface lit up. “Icame across it about ten years ago and haven’t been disappointed with a single year since.”


Throughouttheir meal, they chatted like old friends, and once more,Westgot the impression that he knew her from another time and place, but he still couldn’t recall when or where.Itwasn’t as if he would’ve had many opportunities to meet her since she lived inDenverand only came toNewYorkon rare visits.Itdidn’t matter, though—he would enjoy her company while he could.Ina few weeks, she’d be gone again, and all he would have left were the memories of their time together, as disappointing as it was.

Hewould miss her something awful.Neverhad he connected with a woman so quickly before.Yeah, some women in the past had held his interest for a while, and a few he’d dated for extended periods.Buthe’d always known he was only passing his time with them until the relationships fizzled out.WithAllie, he didn’t want whatever it was between them to go that route.Foronce in his life, he wanted something more, and it was with a woman he’d barely known for a few days.

Leslieand thenHarrystopped by the table to say hello after he andAlliehad finished dinner.Bothbeamed asAlliegushed over what a wonderful meal it had been.AndifWestwasn’t mistaken,Harryblushed under the pretty woman’s praise.Beforereturning to the kitchen, the older man caughtWest’seye, winked at him, and subtly mouthed the word “keeper.”Westgrinned and nodded because he agreed with him.

“CanIinterest you in a nightcap?” he askedAllieafter signing for the check and leavingChrisa generous tip for his excellent service, as usual.

“Ithink you could.”Herseductive smile went straight to his groin, causing his cock to twitch.Westquickly recited the dishes he and his chef were considering for the new menu in his head to keep his pants from tenting.Somethingthat was difficult to do whenever he was withAllie.Hejust had to be in the same room as the woman, and desire would hum through him.

Standing, he took her hand and helped her to her feet.Oncethey were outside, he said, “Ihave to stop into the pub for a few minutes and make sure everything is running smoothly.I’mpretty sure it is becauseIdidn’t get any text messages saying otherwise, butI’dstill like to stop in if that’s okay.”

“That’sfine.Idon’t mind.”

Twentyminutes later,Westwas reassured all was well at theCat&Fiddleand watchedAllie’sheart-shaped ass sway as she preceded him up the stairs to his apartment.Hishands itched to smack one of the cheeks to see if it bounced like he thought it would.Itwas too soon into the relationship to try that without discussing her kinks and pet peeves, but that didn’t stop him from thinking about it.

Relationship.Sigh.Ifonly he could use that label to describe what was going on between them.Butwith an end date getting closer by the minute, he would have to settle for words like affair or fling.

Puttingthose thoughts out of his mind, he unlocked the door and followedAllieinside.Beforeshe could get more than a few steps away, he gently grabbed her elbow, kicked the door shut, then pushed her against the wall.Bending, he brushed his lips over hers, waiting for a response before taking things further.Whenshe wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth, that was all the invitation he needed.

Westravaged her mouth as he cupped one breast before teasing the hard, little bud hiding behind too many layers of clothes.Thecaveman in him almost ripped the dress from her body in desperation.


Theloud, indignant, startling cry had them parting, and they laughed asMoedid figure eights in and around his owner’s spread legs.Westtouched his forehead toAllie’s, his lungs heaving for oxygen. “Sorryabout that—he gets jealous sometimes.”

Heglared down at the cat. “Dude,Ireally have to get you a girlfriend, but for now, you’re cock-blocking me.Shoo.”Usinghis foot, he humanely pushed the animal to the side.Moeflipped his tail at them before regally sauntering away from the peasants he thought them to be.

“Bedroom?”West’svoice was strangled by lust.

Whenshe nodded, he leaned down, put his arm behind her knees, picked her up, and then cradled her against his broad chest.Alliegiggled as he carried her to the bedroom and closed the door behind them.Alongthe way, the assertive woman took advantage of her current position, nuzzling and nibbling his neck and ears, sending delicious goosebumps skittering across his skin.Alreadybegging for relief, his cock thickened in his pants.

SettingAllieon her feet,Westretook possession of her mouth.Hesucked her plump bottom lip between his, then licked it, drawing an erotic moan of hunger from her.Theirtongues glided against each other, moving from his mouth to hers and back again.He’donly had two drinks during dinner, but now he was getting drunk onAllie.

Whilehe moved them toward the bed, she unbuttoned his shirt before shoving it off his shoulders and down his arms.Graspingthe material of her dress,Westdragged it up her body and stopped kissing her only long enough so he could completely remove it.Hisbig hands cupped her restrained breasts, running his thumbs over the pebbled nipples with only the thin material of a black lacy bra between them.Hisgaze roamed over her barely-clad torso before returning to her face. “God, you’re beautiful.”

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