Page 54 of The Devil Within
Sarah had never met this man before, and she knew he wasn’t a biker. He had been a criminal though, and his transformation seemed amazing. He looked like… a young dad, a husband, a worker. A nice, normal man. The perfect disguise. He seemed uncomfortable around Alex but he smiled at Sarah.
‘So, you’re the one.’
‘Excuse me?’ Jizzy’s words interrupted her assessment of her would-be savior.
‘The one that stole his heart and tamed the beast,’ he nodded at Alex. ‘A feat no one thought was possible.’
Sarah remained silent, considering the man in front of her.
He was shorter than Alex, slimmer in build, yet muscular beneath his winter coat and jeans. Short dark hair contrasted his receding hairline. His tanned skin looked like he spent a lot of time outside. His eyes were deep brown pools of warmth. Sarah felt at ease with him at once.
‘This is Sarah. Sarah, Jizzy. Or John, as he prefers.’
Alex approached her. ‘How are you?’ He raised his hands to her midriff.
‘I’m good,’ she smiled up at him for a moment, her hands reaching up to rest on his forearms. She brushed her lips against his cheek before greeting their guest.
‘Hello John, I’m so happy to meet you. Can I offer you some coffee? Something to eat?’
‘I wouldn’t say no to coffee.’
Sarah busied herself in the kitchen, brewing the coffee and setting the pastries on a plate. When Alex phoned last night and said they would be here in the morning, she had gotten up early to get fresh supplies. She placed everything, along with the cups and milk, on the kitchen bench top, in easy reach of Alex and John who had seated themselves on the stools in front of it. She filled a cup for herself and went and sat on the sofa. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, leaving no room for food.
‘Alex tells me your disappearing act hasn’t been as smooth as mine.’
‘You could say that.’
‘Nice of my brother to care so much once I’m dead.’ He looked as if he had swallowed sour milk.
Sarah ducked her head. She had some experience of indifferent families. Although she liked to think if offered the opportunity to save her, that her brother and mother would at least consider it. Maybe.
‘You live in Germany?’
‘Yes, it’s a small village. The people are nice. Hard working. They don’t ask too many questions.’
‘And Alison? And the baby? Are they well?’
John smiled at the mention of his family. ‘They are.’
He placed his coffee cup on the bench. ‘Look, I’m not sure I can help you. No one followed me. No one knows I’m alive. People think Alison is a missing person in Australia. But that was her choice.’ He glanced at Alex. ‘She wanted to come with me, was happy to leave it all behind.’
Sarah dropped her gaze to her coffee cup, warmth creeping up her neck and face. Imagine being part of the conversation about her own relationship; having a choice in her future. She couldn’t honestly say if she would have disappeared with Alex a year ago if he’d asked her to. But she couldn’t honestly say that she wouldn’t have, either.
John talked with them for another two hours. He worked as a laborer. Alison had been taken under the wing of some of the local women. This was a town that didn’t look for the tourist dollar and was suspicious of strangers. When John and Alison had turned up, heavily pregnant and in need of shelter, the locals had taken them in. As though they had some innate understanding that they needed somewhere safe, but would cause them no trouble. They moved about freely, were happy and had no regrets.
Finally, John rose to leave. He clasped Sarah’s hands in his. His eyes were friendly, compassionate. ‘I wish you both well, I really do.’
He turned back to Alex. ‘But please, don’t ever contact me again.’
Alex extended his hand. ‘You have my word.’
As he pushed the door closed, Alex leant against the frame for a moment. Disappointment weighed against his shoulders. ‘I’m sorry.’
Sarah frowned. ‘Why?’
‘I know you hoped he would have some secret that could help us.’ He turned to face her. ‘But you heard him, it was luck. They happened to pick the right village.’
He sank into the sofa near where Sarah stood.