Page 6 of The Devil Within
Heather sat across from her, clearly wanting to push for more. Sarah sat up a little straighter and looked away, placing her hands in her lap. ‘I’m fine, really.’
‘Okay, we don’t have to talk about him.’
Sarah turned back and smiled gratefully. ‘Thank you.’
The only problem was, the subject of Alex could not be dropped so easily from Sarah’s heart. As she sipped her drink and willed the memories away, they insisted on coming crashing back to her. She was transported back to the pub in Sydney and the first time she’d laid eyes on Alex Riley.
Her roommate had draggedher out to a pub with some friends. They were all studying law and the bar was full of suits and heels. She’d been about to make an excuse to leave when he walked in. He was so much taller than anyone else; six foot two and built. He stopped in the doorway and ran his hand through his hair. Dark hair, barely touching his shoulders. Not neat, but not untidy. Blue eyes that you just wanted to drown in and a jaw that was chiseled by the angels.
Sarah had never seen a more perfect looking man in her life. She reached for her wine, knocking it across the table.
Feeling like a complete fool, she excused herself and headed for the restroom at the back of the pub. She kept her eyes on the floor, not wanting to add to her embarrassment by walking into a wall because she was checking out some hottie.
A white-sleeved arm across the Ladies restroom door pulled her up short.
‘Hey sugar, let me buy you a drink?’
Sarah looked up into bloodshot eyes under a receding hairline. She managed a tight smile. ‘No thanks.’
She tried to duck under his arm, but he grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall. Her legs turned to water and the smell of beer and sour breath turned her stomach.
‘No need to be rude, sugar. I just wanna get to know you.’
He pushed himself against her. Sarah shoved her hands against his chest, trying to get him to move back. Her heart felt as though it would burst out of her chest, it was beating so hard.
His hand squeezed between her knees and started trying to work its way up her skirt. She tried to speak but her voice died in her throat. Tears began to well.
Suddenly, the drunk lurched back. She swayed against the wall, her heart hammering out of control. The guy was slammed back into the wall on the other side of the doorframe. Sarah looked across to find the dark-haired, blue-eyed, chisel-jawed angel-man holding the drunk firm with his forearm wedged across his throat, growling something she couldn’t hear in his ear.
Her would-be attacker was released, rasping an apology towards Sarah, vowing to never touch a woman without express consent again. He raised his hands and scurried away.
The dark-haired god turned his attention to Sarah. ‘Are you okay?’
She looked into his deep, blue eyes and saw genuine concern. She opened her mouth to speak but her voice was still frozen.
‘Did he hurt you?’
She shook her head. Her body began to tremble and a tear sprang loose and ran down her cheek.
‘Hey, come and sit down.’
She was acutely aware of his hand hovering near her arm as he led her to a table. He pulled the chair out for her. Sarah all but collapsed into it.
‘Let me get you some water.’ He strode across to the bar, returning less than a minute later with a glass of iced water.
‘Here.’ He handed her the glass and sat down opposite her. His brow furrowed as he studied her.
She took a sip of water and gave him a watery smile, feeling her cheeks heat under his scrutiny. ‘I’m sorry,’ she croaked.
His eyebrows shot up. ‘You have nothing to be sorry for. That asshole was so far out of line.’
My God, who is this man? Gorgeous and chivalrous.
‘Thank you, for… helping me.’
His frown relaxed and he smiled. Her heart had only just stopped racing, and now it started to pick up some pace again.