Page 81 of The Devil Within
‘I want to be free. That’s what I’ve wanted for the longest time.’ His thumb rubbed against her palm as he spoke. ‘I left The Devils because I wanted to be free of that life. I thought because they followed me here, I had to fight back on their terms. But the violence… it doesn't end.’
He paused, studying her face, and for the first time, she saw no evidence of the biker.
‘Then I realized, with you standing there, prepared to die if it meant saving me… it ends with me. One way or another. It ends.’
Ever since The Devils had ambushed her and Heather in their flat in London, her heart had beaten in fear. Until this moment.
‘I don’t know how to live in your world, Sarah. Not yet.’ A smile flitted across his lips. ‘But I can’t live in their world anymore.’ He gestured at the closed bathroom door. ‘And I know you won’t live there either, not even in the shadows. What happened to Jizzy and his family, that just proves we can’t keep running.’
‘But if there’s no deal with the DPP, how can we get clear of this?’
‘Maybe we can’t. The Devils want Tom dead.’
‘What if he wasn’t a threat to them? He could have killed us both but instead we’re locked in a bathroom.’
He shrugged.
There was no point in trying to figure out if they could talk Tom into letting them go. Instead, she focused on the only thing she could be sure of.
‘I love you, Alex.’
Sarah’s backside was numb. Her head lay on Alex’s chest, arms snaked around his torso. He held her tight, his chin rested on her head, nestled in her hair. She didn’t want to move. This moment couldn’t last. The steady beating of his heart against her ear had distracted her from Tom’s muffled tirade. She didn’t notice the silence until Alex shifted his position, his body tensing. She lifted her head from his chest. Was it possible Tom had left?
They released each other from their embrace. He looked at her, finger to his lips. Her back and legs were stiff and she tried to stretch out the kinks before standing. Hauling himself to his feet, he held out a hand to guide her up in the small space. The sound of movement came from outside the bathroom. Distant. Was it Tom? It could be the wind. She couldn’t remember if it had been windy before, if there’d been a chance of rain. Only darkness was visible through the small window, above her eye level. Surely, they would have heard the car start?
Anticipation tinged with fear started to churn in her belly. The chill slowly creeped up between her shoulder blades. Alex moved in front of her, both of them facing the door. One arm protectively reaching behind to grasp her hand. She eased her body closer, wanting his warmth and his strength.
A thump sounded against the bathroom door. Her heart skipped a beat. Whatever had been pushed against the door was being moved. Alex brought his other arm up, ready to deflect and protect. She shuffled to the left, wanting a better view of whoever was on the other side of the door when it opened.
All the oxygen in the room raced ahead when the door was yanked open. Tom’s face was still mottled red, his shoulders clenched high, gun at his side. Yet he seemed calmer. Perhaps he’d reached a decision about his next move. She prayed for a more rational outcome than the previous twenty-five minutes of ranting implied.
‘Get out.’ Tom motioned with his gun.
They edged forward, not wanting to unleash the recently reined-in beast. Her heart picked up pace again and the cold grip of fear held tight. They stood side by side. Facing whatever was to come, together. Alex still held her hand.
Tom started to pace. Their hands squeezed a little tighter. She felt Alex’s deeper, steadying, intake of breath.
‘So,’ Tom began. ‘You gave it all up for her. The life.’
When no response came, Tom stopped walking, staring directly at Alex. His question hung in the air.
Tom nodded. Resumed his pacing.
‘Admirable. It’s not like you have any other skills to fall back on, no secondary career.’
They stole a glance at each other. Where was this heading?
‘You’d have some cash, right? I mean, murder has to pay something.’
Alex didn’t answer.
‘You risked more than not having an income though. Everyone wants you dead. The Devils. Brian Isobel.’ Tom chuckled. ‘Me.’
Fear tightened its grip. It squeezed her bones, making her knees turn to jelly and her blood run cold. She held hard to Alex’s hand and reminded herself to breathe.