Page 22 of Where Angels Hide
"I missed you," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair.
"I missed you too, baby," he murmured, his lips brushing against her earlobe. "And it's killing me being away from you like this." He sighed, resting his chin on top of her head. "I've been thinking a lot about us lately, about our life… I think I might ask for a transfer."
Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up abruptly, looking down at him. "What?"
"I want to spend more time with you. Be with you. It's not fair to either of us that I'm always gone, and you're here alone."
Abby took a moment to digest his announcement, her brow furrowing in confusion. This was not how she expected their reunion to go. "What about your career? Aren't you worried about sacrificing that?"
"My career is important, but so are you," he said firmly, holding her gaze. "I can't keep living like this, running from taskforce to taskforce all over the state, never having any time for us. We deserve more."
The room was silent except for the soft sound of their breathing as she processed his words. She leaned back in and kissed him gently on the lips. "I love you," she murmured. "But, our life is... it's perfect. We have an amazing relationship, we're both successful in our careers, and we have each other."
He returned her kiss, then watched her with thoughtful eyes. "I want more than that, Abby. I want to be here for you. I want to come home every night to you, not for a week here and a week there." He caressed her cheek, his fingers trailing down to her neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
She took a deep breath. "I don't know if that's such a good idea," she whispered. "Our jobs are so demanding?—"
"Being a cop is full on, wherever I’m based," he interrupted gently a tinge of hurt in his eyes. "But at least if I stay local, we can make plans."
“Plans…” she breathed. Like the plans Demi had with Jake?
“We don’t have to decide anything now.” His hands slid lower. “I just wanted you to know that you are my priority, Abby.”
Abby lay back down beside him. She felt like she’d stumbled into an alternate reality where she was clearly the odd one out. Her life was perfect the way it was. Why did everyone, including Scott, think she needed more? Surely, once they spent some time reconnecting, Scott would rethink his transfer. His job meant as much to him as Abby’s did to hers. Didn’t it?
A moment later, his fingers found her core, distracting her from the rising panic.
Chapter 5
Zep scrolled through the posts on Instagram that Jacko had found. Zep wasn’t on any social media, had never felt the need. Jacko was their tech guy, and he monitored all the groups and chats or whatever they were. Apparently, that was how people communicated these days. Zep still believed in a face-to-face chat, or a phone call if necessary. Text for urgent stuff.
Abby’s business page was public, so anyone could see her design work. An unfamiliar sense of pride sat beneath the surface. It felt out of place, so he pushed it away. Her personal page was private, but Jacko had gained access somehow. That was what he did, among other things. There were photos of Abby and her friends, with her mother. And an added complication. Jacko recognised the face of Abby’s partner—Detective Sergeant Scott Amble with the NSW Robbery and Serious Crime Squad.
“She’s married to a cop?” Connor shook his head. “Fuck.”
“They're not married, just living together.” Which was just as bad.
Zep turned his attention to the information Jacko had put together on Amble. Thirty-one years old and originally from Ulladulla, where his parents and younger sisters still lived. It was about an hour’s ride from where The Devils were currently set up. He’d transitioned straight into the Police Academy from high school and had worked his way quickly into the detective ranks. Based at Ballina, not far from Lennox Head, Amble had been with Robbery and Serious Crime for four years. He and Abby had been dating for two and a half years and living together for twelve months.
“Is that a help or a hindrance?” asked Connor.
He looked out of the kitchen window at the ocean below and shrugged. “Who knows? He hasn’t spent any time with Ricochet or the Criminal Groups Squad. His last job involved an extortion ring.”
Ricochet fell under the Criminal Groups Squad and was the taskforce set up to target groups and individuals who engaged in serious and organised crime, particularly those who had a propensity for violence. Basically, outlaw motorcycle clubs. The taskforce was made permanent in 2021 and expanded its operations from Sydney into the regions. The biggest mistake Zep had ever made was not seeing through the undercover cop that Ricochet had planted successfully in The Devils. It was only discovered when Hollywood went missing. Because of this fuck up, leading to the clubhouse burning down, the club had been laying low in Broulee, just out of range of the taskforce’s Illawarra base.
“Looks like he spends more time away than at home,” Zep said. He switched back to the social media feeds, this time scrolling through Becca’s–or Rachel’s’, as it were. She looked happy. Even though he had no right to, he felt a level of relief that Rachel appeared not to have married or be in any kind of long-term relationship.
The phone beside him on the table began to vibrate with an incoming call.
“Brodie.” Zep put the call on speaker for Connor to listen.
“I got eyes on her and the cop boyfriend, Prez.” Brodie had managed to get a flight out of Charles de Gaulle and had landed in Brisbane on Sunday night. He’d driven down to Lennox Head and had been keeping watch on Rachel and Abby since Monday morning.
“And Rachel?” He leaned in.
“She’s been at home, working in her studio.” Brodie hesitated. “We might have a problem.”
Beneath the facade of indifference, a tiny dagger drove itself into Zep’s heart. “What’s that?”