Page 42 of Where Angels Hide
“But why was he looking for me in the first place? Do we even know if that was the case?” Abby desperately wanted to distance herself from all of this. She had nothing to do with crime syndicates or outlaw biker gangs.
“The police didn’t get a chance to question Kypianos before he died–”
“So it may have been a coincidence that he was trying to break into Mum’s place.”
Scott squeezed her leg. “Babe, he knew your name.” His tone was gentle. “In your statement you said he told you there was nowhere to run and called you by name.”
Nausea washed over her.
“We’re trying to find a link–”
“You?” Abby turned in her seat to face him. “Could this be something to do with one of your cases? Someone wanting to get back at you for putting them behind bars?”
Scott pressed his lips together. “That angle is definitely being investigated, but I’ve got to be honest, it’s not looking likely.”
“And me being targeted by criminals and bikers is more likely?”
His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “I agree, none of this makes any sense.”
She turned and sank back against her seat. Outside, the scenery had begun to shift. Mangroves and wetlands could be glimpsed as the car sped closer to Ballina and the Richmond River. After a few more minutes, houses began to appear, along with the occasional fisherman beside the river.
Abby had a sense that Rachel had kept something very important from her, possibly for her entire life. The idea that she’d been ignorant of what was suddenly threatening her, left a bitter, seething taste in her mouth. If Zep was who she thought he was, had Rachel known that one day Abby might be in danger?
“The police will want access to your client list.” Scott broke through the swirling commentary in her head.
“What? Why?” She hadn’t done any work for criminals. At least not that she knew of.
“Like I said, the police are trying to find a link. They’re casting a wide net.”
“Scott, you keep saying ‘the police’ like they’re a foreign entity. You are the police. You’re a freaking detective.”
“And I’m also your partner. It’s a conflict of interest for me to work this investigation.” He looked across at her. “Because I am a police officer, they’re keeping me in the loop more so than if I was a civilian.”
Abby breathed out a shaky breath. Her mind kept shifting from one thing to another, looking for something tangible to hold onto.
“Babe, I know it’s a lot to take in, especially with your mum being rushed to hospital, but I need you to understand that you are my number one priority. Being a cop has nothing to do with how I feel about you and the lengths I’ll go to keep you safe. Please don’t push me away.”
The tightness in her chest eased a little. Abby reached for his hand, and he took hers, bringing it to his lips. She’d always been strong and independent and didn’t know any other way to be. It wasn’t that she was pushing Scott away; she just needed space to make sense of what was happening, and where the hell the president of The Devils MC fit into all of this.
Chapter 14
The ward was finally cleared for visitors twenty minutes after Abby and Scott arrived back at the hospital. Abby breathed a sigh of relief when Scott didn't need to be convinced to let her see Rachel on her own. After a quick hello with Rachel, he left for the police station to get an update.
“Oh my God, darling, get over here and let me squeeze you.” Rachel held her arms out and Abby tried not to notice how thin they looked sticking out either side of the hospital gown.
For a moment, Abby let go of her anger and her questions, and just let her mother hold her. They had the room to themselves as Rachel’s roommate had been discharged, so there was no awkward set of eyes watching as Abby climbed onto the bed and let herself be enveloped.
“I can’t believe this person knew your name.” Rachel stroked Abby’s hair. “And how did he even know you’d be at my place?”
“The police think he must have been following me.”
“Oh god, that scares the life out of me. Are you sure you’re not hurt?” She leaned back and Abby felt her mother’s eyes assessing her.
“I’m fine,” she assured her. “It just… freaked me out.”
“To say the least.” Rachel gave her another squeeze.
Abby pushed herself up, and gave Rachel a peck on the cheek. “No news on the test results?”