Page 82 of Where Angels Hide
Zep's feelings for Becca had always been uncharted territory—a vast, intricate landscape where every look, every scar and every shared moment had created an anchor in the bloody story of his life. Nothing and no one could ever take their time together from him.
In the early morning light, Rachel was transformed into the young woman he’d met and fallen in love with. Age and worry slipped from her face, leaving only beauty. Her eyes were closed now. In his arms, he felt the last shudder of life as she passed from this world, and into the next.
Zep rested his forehead against hers, and for the first time since he was a child, he cried.
Abby foundthe three of them sitting there a short time later. She fell to her knees.
That was more than Zep could take. He heard Scott approach, crouching behind Abby and wrapping his arms around her. Zep didn’t bother to wipe his own tears as he placed her mother in Abby’s arms. The dog quickly moved across, staying close to Rachel.
Zep started walking along the foreshore, breathing in great, cleansing lungfuls of ocean air. The salt-kissed breeze caressed his face, offering solace for his heavy heart. The crashing waves drowned out his thoughts, as if the ocean itself understood his pain and offered its silent support. His eyes fixed on the horizon where the sky met the sea, and with each step along the foreshore, he felt a weight lifting from his weary shoulders.
Rachel was gone, but Abby still needed his protection. He’d promised to keep her safe—a promise he’d made before she was even born; and one he’d reconfirmed only days ago. There was no time for tears or grief. He had a job to do.
Zep stopped and pulled his phone from his pocket.
“You’re up early, Prez.” Brodie didn’t sound as if he’d been asleep either.
“Just getting a head start on the day.”
“How’s Rachel?”
Oxygen caught in his throat, rendering him speechless for a moment. “She’s gone.”
There was silence. “I’m sorry, Zep.”
He grunted in acknowledgement. “Anyone left alive in Holbrook?” JT and Hammer had tracked Isobel’s crew to a property on the outskirts of the inland town. When Sonny and the rest of the brother’s arrived, they’d stormed the place, shooting anything that moved.
“No, but there’s a problem.”
Of course, there fucking was. “What?”
“Neither Peter or Brian Isobel were among the dead.”
“Doesn’t surprise me. Pricks like that pay others to take care of business.” He watched as the water gently lapped against the shore, its ebb and flow in contrast to the conversation.
“Peter’s been spotted at his place in Brunswick. Mick and Tosh are on their way there now,” said Brodie.
“Make sure they take care of Stella as well. I want that whole fucking family dead.”
“She'll die with her husband.”
“Anyone got eyes on Brian Isobel?” He turned back in the direction of Abby’s house. Abby and Scott were still sitting where he’d left them. A figure stood between the house and the ocean; Dodge, keeping watch.
“No, but he’d have to be on his way back up north. That’s if he ever left in the first place.”
Zep straightened his stance and squared his shoulders. “Good. I’m in the mood to kill someone.”
Chapter 29
Someone phoned the doctor, Abby didn’t know who. Zep returned from his walk along the beach and carried her mother back inside. Rachel was laying on the bed when Dr. Carchedi arrived. Abby and Scott stood against the wall as the doctor spoke quietly to Rachel, letting her know what she was doing. When she was done, the doctor took Rachel’s hand in hers and said goodbye.
“Abby, I am so sorry for your loss. And you too, Scott.”
Abby nodded.
“You can take all the time you need with your mother, there is no hurry,” Dr. Carchedi held Abby’s hand. “When you’re ready, all you need to do is call the funeral home.”