Page 28 of In Daddy's Custody
“Why-oo-roo.” I say it again slowly, rolling therin the middle so much it almost sounds like ad. “Central North Island of New Zealand, right in the middle, in the shadow of the mountains. Probably the coldest place in the country. You do exactly as you’re told in that place or you face the consequences, and they’re far more unpleasant than any you’ve faced so far since you’ve been with me. And you’re not a little shit of a kid like I was.” I shake my head wryly and chuckle somewhat bitterly. “I had a lot to learn, believe me. And I chose to learn it all the hard way.”Just like you do,my subconscious adds.
“Oh?” A wide grin nearly splits Jade’s face in half. “So I’m not the terrible person you’re making me out to be? I’m not a shit? I thought that’s the whole reason I’m here in this stupid country?”
That gets my hackles up. “New Zealand is not stupid,” I growl. “And you’re not a shit or a terrible person. Why would you even think that? I’ve never said you’re a terrible person!” I glare at her sternly, and she looks sheepishly back at me—an admission of guilt if ever I saw one. She knows full well I don’t think she’s terrible; she’s just fishing for a compliment. “You’re a spoiledbrat for sure,” I tell her. “But you can be tamed, little girl. You’re not heavily involved in crimes and getting into gangs like I was. You’re gonna be okay.”
“As long as I keep quiet,” she grumbles.
I turn just enough to wink at her and nod in agreement. “As long as you keep your smart mouth in check.”
A plane flies low overhead. We’re not that far from the airport, so low-flying planes aren’t that uncommon here, but beside me, Jade stiffens. Homesickness? Missing her family and friends? Whatever it is, she doesn’t look happy, and just a moment ago she was almost bonding with me as we verbally sparred. Or I thought we were, anyway. But maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part. She leans her head against the window and when I glance at her, a lone tear trickles down her cheek. I want to reach across and wipe it away, but I also want to give her the dignity of privacy.
“Cheer up. Jade,” I say kindly. “We’ll be in the city soon. Auckland isn’t as big as LA, but I think you’ll like it. It’s nice enough. You might even have time to do a bit of shopping, if you behave yourself. We’ve got a few hours before we have to be back at the airport.”
My bribe works. She sits up a bit straighter and knuckles away her tears.
“Shopping?” The glee is evident in her voice. “What about that temptation you were so worried about?”
“Hmmm.” I frown. “Good point. Okay, no shopping.” My face is perfectly straight, but amusement laces my tone. I’m joking, and I think she knows it.
“Are you serious?”
I look across at her, grin, and shake my head. “No. You might get a chance to go shopping. But no casino, no night clubs, no bars, no drinking.”
She rolls her eyes, just like the brat she is. “It’s daytime. Are night clubs open in the daytime in this backwards country?”
He growls. “Watch it, little girl. I can easily change my mind, you know.” His tone is semi-threatening, but there’s an undertone of amusement in his voice that makes me smile. I quite enjoy his company when he’s like this. The banter between us feels comfortable now, but I’m still acutely aware that he holds the balance of power. Things are not equal between us.Weare not equals. He is in charge. And I have a feeling that he’s not going to let me forget it, even for a second.
We stop at traffic lights. It’s so bizarre to be on the left side of the road. It feels wrong. Like we’re about to have a head-on collision or something, but we’re not because the only thing to the left of me is cars going the same direction.
“So where are we going?”
“I don’t know, exactly. I was going to take you into the city. There are beaches, restaurants, shops. Rollerblading along the waterfront, hire a kayak if you want. What do you like to do, Jade? Aside from drink.”
I roll my eyes. Of course. He can’t just be nice to me, can he? He’s got to intersperse every ounce of kindness with a side of snark. I guess he can’t be letting me fall for him too much.
“I don’tjustdrink, you know,” I tell him sassily. “That’s just one of my hobbies.”
The light changes to green and the Mercedes springs into life.
Jaxon sighs. “So tell me what else you like to do. Aside from drinking and shopping. I’m trying to get to know you here. How about helping me out?”
His request is so different from his usual barked orders. I’m not used to him asking for my opinion on anything; so far it’s mostly been him telling me what we’re going to do and just expecting me to go along with it. It’s nice, being treated like an actual person with feelings and preferences.
I shrug. It’s been so long since I’ve done anything but party, I can’t remember what sort of things I used to enjoy.
“Rollerblading might be fun.”Or you might fall over and break your neck.“I was pretty good at it as a kid but haven’t been in years.”
“Rollerblading it is, then.”
We’re on some kind of freeway now, with several lanes of cars whizzing by in each direction, separated by a concrete barrier. It’s still weird, driving on the wrong side of the road, especially being in the front of the car like this, but Jaxon doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. He seems perfectly comfortable. His charge being in the passenger seat is clearly nothing out of the ordinary for him.
Silence stretches out between us. Neither of us speaks. Even though Jaxon is showing me moments of niceness, I don’t want to be here. I don’t know if I will ever forgive Richard for doing this to me. I lean my head against the side window again as sadness, bitterness, and homesickness threaten to overwhelm me. I don’t even want to be in my father’s stupid movie. I was quite happy as I was. And now I’ve been ripped away from everything I know and everyone I love, and I don’t even know why.You do know why,my inner voice argues, but I force it down and wallow in my misery instead.
Jaxon ignores me. He keeps driving without even looking at me. He doesn’t make any attempt to comfort me or reassure me. He’s acting like I’m not even here at all. His head is swivelling between the rearview mirror, the road, and the side mirror. He’s frowning. Something is up.