Page 12 of Inked Hearts
Kota:That’s pushing it, Spence. I have no need for three babysitters. That’s a waste of resources.
Spence:You know how I don’t tell you how to do your job?
Spence:Seriously, Kota. This is the best team I have and I need you to be okay with them. I need you to try to like them at least. You’ll never understand how scared I was when Dave called.
Spence:I need you and my nephew to be safe.
My eyes sting as I read his message a few times. I don’t know how I got so lucky. Even my dad didn’t care about me like Spence does. After Mom went away, Dad kind of fell into a depression. Or maybe he just stopped pretending to give a shit about me. I doubt he would have really known if I got kidnapped. He was just starting to make an effort when he died.
But Spence never hesitated to tell me and show me that he cares. He was a young adult, living his best life in New York, and yet he still found time to text and call the little sister he never wanted. And when my life seemed like it was ending…when Iwas giving up hope, he was right there to hold my hand. I’ve never felt an ounce of judgment or resentment over what he did for me. Just unconditional love.
I think a lot of people underestimate the power of sibling love. You don'thaveto be loyal or fight for them. And maybe there are siblings out there that are nothing like Spence and me. But I do know that I would be lost without his guidance.
Kota:You’re right. You know I love you, right?
Spence:And I love you. Just give them a chance, I think this could be really good.
Kota:I will. Alright, I’ll let you get back to work. I’ll text you when we get there.
Spence:Please do.
I glance out the window and watch the scenery pass by us. I’m going to make the most out of this move. I’m going to make sure that Aiden makes friends and isn’t stuck in the house with his crazy mom.
Closing my eyes I let my mind wander to our second home, one of my favorites.
The Arizona sun is blinding causing me to squint the moment I step outside. But it also warms you down to the bones. I can literally feel the rays of sunshine soaking into my skin and turning it a nice bronze color. Aiden is laying on his tummy onhis soft blue blanket. I set up the cutest little baby sun shade and he’s having the time of his life.
I got really lucky with him. He rarely cries and he sleeps through the night. That’s not exactly standard for a kid under two…at least if the books I read are to be believed. He’s my best friend even if he can’t talk yet.
He giggles and kicks his chubby little legs.
“Are you having fun, booger?” I coo. I like talking to him. It’s not like we have anyone close to my age or his to spend time with.
He giggles and blows out a little spit bubble while smiling at me. I get stuck looking at his big blue eyes. He’s the absolute most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
I could stay here forever. Basking in the sun while my little guy laughs and plays. It’s everything I could want. I like to pretend that we will stay here in Arizona, enjoying the sunshine and living a peaceful little life. I can just imagine teaching him to swim and enjoying hiking in the desert.
I come out of my day dream and look at the wide ice covered trees that span northern Colorado. This place may not be all sunshine and tan lines but it’s still beautiful. Someday, just maybe, I’ll get the courage to go for a hike and explore our new home. I doubt it, considering I have this fear that Rodrigo will pounce the second I’m in public.
But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming of a future where we don’t have to hide away or run. A future where Aiden makes friends and I start a job where I get to dress up in business clothes and go into an office. I have to cling that, to the delusional idea that someday the running will stop and I can give us a normal life.
Chapter 5
“The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry Ford
“I’m going to be straight up - I would have bet money that you would turn this case down,” Seb chuckles as he cleans his Glock at the kitchen table.
I’m inclined to agree with the guy. I would have also bet money that I would never take a job that had a kid involved. But how could I turn it down? I was just sitting here and whining about how boring the last job was, so how could I consider turning down a case that actually has merit?
The answer is that I couldn’t. My mind was revolting against me the entire brief, telling me to turn and run. But my stupid soft heart was refusing tonothelp this chick and her kid.
“He couldn’t say no when Spence’s backup plan was fucking Colton,” Madd grumbles as he ambles into the kitchen and drops his freshly packed duffle. We don’t ever take a lot shit when we go to work. We tend to pack light so that we are ready to leaveat a moment's notice. Which has happened more than I want to admit.
I groan and close my eyes as I rub my temple, “Colton is a fucking idiot. I can’t be all high and mighty - refusing to work with kids and then subject them to his level of pure dumbassery.”