Page 24 of Inked Hearts
She snorts and rolls her eyes at me, “Why did you say you’d take me if you don't even know where we are going?”
I can’t help but crack a smile at the sassy little thing, “Alright, attitude. How about you just tell me where we are going?”
She chuckles and rolls her eyes again playfully, “We need to head over to Elmwood Middle School.”
Without a word, I turn the car around and head down the long ass driveway to the winding roads that lead to town. As we get closer to town I notice that Dakota becomes tenser, her shoulders start to cave in and she fiddles with her fingers in her lap. Usually, I would think there was some kind of threat, but after talking to Lucas and Dave I think this is just her fear of being around people.
Which in her situation is understandable. So I can't tell you why it bothers me so goddamn much. The only thing I know is that the new frustration thrumming from me isn'tather, but more so at the fact that she feels so much anxiety. I wish I could take it all into myself, absorb her worries and let her have a moment of fucking peace.
Since when do I give a single shit about anyone other than my closest friends? Apparently the second I laid eyes on Dakota Blackwood because the very idea of her being unhappy makes my chest clench uncomfortably.
By the time we are pulling into the school parking lot, Dakota looks slightly pale and extremely tense. Before she can get out of the car, I turn to her, “Tell me what’s going through your head.”
She turns those big bright eyes to me, and my heart clenches when I see the fear in them, “He found us. I want to feel safe but I just.. don't.”
She drops her gaze to her hands. Her fear is obvious and I hate it. I’ve never felt the need to make promises or reassure any of the clients we have. It’s always just been a job. Make sure they are safe, don’t get too close, and then leave when the job is over. But with Dakota, I can't help but reach over and grip her trembling hand, “Look at me.”
She glances up at me, her small fingers gripping my hand, “Nothing can hurt you while we are here. Nothing. You are both safe with us.”
She studies my face, her eyes pinging between mine before a soft smile crosses her face and she nods, “Thank you.”
I nod at her, giving her fingers one final light squeeze before reluctantly, releasing her hand and climbing out of the car. She rounds the front of the car and stands next to me, her face blank and holding no hint of the tension she was carrying in the car. It’s impressive, if not a little sad, how good she is at hiding her emotions. It makes you wonder if she ever gets to just let go and be herself. Or if she has been stuck being strong for so long that she doesn’t even know what it would look like to be safe enough to break?
After getting Aiden all signed up for school we head back to the house. Her tension has slowly eased since our short conversation in the car earlier. I know it wasn’t much. I’m not exactly good with emotions or reassurances but I think that she might have believed me. At least a little. It was enough for a small weight to lift off of my chest when her tension eased. She may not believe me completely, and that’s okay. I meant what I said and I plan on showing her that every chance I get. I won't let anything happen to either of them. And I know that Sebastian and Maddox will feel the same.
Pulling up the drive, Dakota turns to me, a smile on her pretty face, “Do you want to see what I do for work?”
She’s so genuinely excited that I can't help the smile that comes over my face as I nod at her. We climb out of the car and head inside, both of us chuckling at the sound of the guys and Aiden laughing and playing video games. One quick glance into the living room shows the three of them lounging on the couch with a shooting game on the TV, all of them laughing and seemingly relaxed.
Not bothering to say anything to them, Dakota heads to her office and I follow along like a little lost puppy. When we enter her office, I feel momentarily stunned by the high tech level of equipment in this office. It definitely has a sense of sophistication and intelligence that I have never experienced. I sit down on the couch in the corner while she fires up her screens. It honestly looks like something out of a suspense movie…multiple monitors, low lighting, and a massive computer chair.
“Okay, so Spencer has tasked me with looking into Rodrigo’s communications,” she starts, her fingers flying over the keyboard with ease, “Wecouldgo the normal route where we get a warrant and all that. But it's faster and well…easier….if he just lets me do my thing and pretends he doesn't know.”
I chuckle at her and her clear trust in me. Dakota is like a breath of fresh air. She’s so open and honest, like she can’t imagine lying or hiding things. It’s different from anyone I have ever known. Smiling, I reply skeptically, “So you’re going to hack into Foxrim Max?”
She shrugs, a smile playing on her lips, “Yeah, it’s so much faster than trying to get a warrant or asking the warden.”
I smile as I watch her get to work, it's actually ridiculously calming to sit in here to the sounds of her light hums and the clacking of the keyboard. I don't understand half the shit that is popping up on her screens but it’s clear that she is talented.
This is also the most relaxed I have seen her. Even yesterday when we officially met her, she had a slight tension to her shoulders and her smile, while still beautiful, was forced. Maybe our time together earlier eased some of her worries. Or maybe this room just automatically causes her to feel safe.
I get lost in the sounds of her keys clicking rhythmically as I lean back into the couch and enjoy the cool air conditioning. Dakota groans and slams her forehead onto her desk in annoyance which causes me to sit up and snicker at her. She’s a fiery one for sure.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, climbing to my feet and coming to stand over beside her desk. Leaning over her shoulder I read her screen.
TARGET: Inmate #7683902