Page 26 of Inked Hearts
Again, I know that is naive. I do. Anyone could betray you. So tell me why I don't believe any of these men would?
All three of them are ridiculously attractive and have this protective caring air to them. Seb, while a hopeless flirt, is harmless. He’s done nothing but make me feel safe and comfortable. The big blond oaf honestly has just a…golden vibe around him. It feels like he is the kind of friend that people wish for. I want that…friendship with him. And Madd reminds me a lot of Spencer. He’s quiet and brooding but he’s kind and thoughtful. You can tell that every time you speak to him, he is giving you his full undivided attention. He just exudes loyalty and protection. But it's Wolf who draws me in. Like my soul wants to wrap around him and take comfort in this presence.
Sitting at the table with them and eating spaghetti feels so normal. So…natural. Like they belong right here with us. All three of them talk to Aiden like he is a human being and not a job. Something that even Lucas and Dave sometimes neglected to do. They tried, really, they did. I could tell that they genuinely cared about Aiden but they didn't really want to make a huge effort. Even during the times when Lu would play video games with Aiden, he would be quiet and sullen, listening to Aiden talk without putting any effort into the conversation. It’s just nice to see people other than Spencer and me giving Aiden attention.
Once everything has been devoured and the five of us are sitting at the table stuffed full, I glance at the clock and grimace before turning to Aiden, “Alright, booger. Time to get ready for bed.”
He groans, “Mom. Can I play one more game before bed?”
I shake my head and smile at him, “Nope, you have school tomorrow. Go. Now…shower, brush your teeth, and get into bed.”
He grumbles and stands up, ambling over to me and planting a kiss on my cheek before heading down the hallway. I watch him go, happiness and contentment flooding my insides. He seems happy here. I hope I don't ruin that. I hope we get a good amount of time in Colorado before we need to be relocated again. It’s the first time that Aiden has had any say in where we go…I want him to be able to hold onto that for as long as possible. It’s hard enough for him to always be the new kid and to always be ready to move. He deserves to enjoy this place for more than a single breath.
Shaking the thoughts off I stand and start to gather dishes, only to be stopped by Sebastian who grabs them from my hands with a smirk, “You cook, we clean. Go on, get out of here, mama.”
I roll my eyes at his playful tone, my cheeks heating slightly. I glance around to see Madd already gathering plates. But whenmy gaze lands on Wolf, he’s glaring at Seb. Does he not want his friends to clean? I know it's not their job.
“I-It’s okay,” I stammer out, beginning to reach for more dishes, “It’s not your job to-”
A large tattooed hand wraps around my wrist and I glance up to see Wolf looking down at me with a soft expression. God, he's a beautiful man. “We got this, go get ready for bed.”
My cheeks heat further at him saying bed. I can't help the rush of inappropriate thoughts that flies through my head. Since when did I turn into a hormonal teenager? What the fuck. I duck my head and nod, mumbling out, “Thanks.”
And then like the coward I am, I zoom to my room. I haven't been sexually attracted to a man since…well ever. I had a lot of ideas about how Imightbe attracted to Damian, but really I was attracted to his actions and his mind. I have no idea if there would have been physical attraction…no, that's a lie. I definitely would have been attracted to him. Damian and I had a love that would have been explosive. Not that I will ever know for sure.
It’s just that, ever sincethatnight, I haven't been interested in anyone. I’ve had some really attractive guards but none that made mewantto act on it. There’s something ridiculously appealing about Wolf. He has broad muscular shoulders that I want to wrap myself around, and he’s sporting some ridiculously thick thighs. Not only that but his eyes are like pools that I want to dive into. And don't get me started on his tattoos…from jawbone to fingertips he is covered in swirls of artwork. The man looks like he walked right off of the cover of one of my smutty dark romance novels.
Ugh. Knock it off, Dakota.
I shake off my thoughts of Wolf and change into shorts and a big T-shirt, not bothering to shower before I climb into my bed. At least I know that we are safe with those three in our house. I close my eyes and fall asleep faster than I have in years.
I'm sprinting through a dark thin alleyway, my breath coming out in short, sharp gasps that fog up the cool night air. The walls are too close, the shadows too deep, and I've got this sinking feeling that someone is just a heartbeat behind me.
My legs are moving like I’m wading through peanut butter, and there's this ridiculous part of my brain that's shouting at me to run faster. I’m trying to scream for help, but it's like the mute button's been hit on my voice. It feels almost like I am a passenger in my body, not able to do what I want.
I keep taking turns, hoping against hope I'll stumble into a Starbucks or something, anywhere that signals safety and a break from this relentless pursuit. But nope, it's just more alleyway, more eerie silence, and that growing sense of doom.
The eerie sound of whistling comes from behind me and I know exactly who is chasing me. I know exactly what my fate will be if he manages to catch me. Chills sweep up my spine and genuine fear clogs my throat.
Then, like some sick joke, I run straight into a dead end. The alley opens up into a courtyard that's got no exits, just walls that might as well be cliffs. That's when the panic really kicks in, heart thudding, a cold sweat breaking out. It's like my brain decides this is the perfect moment for a cliffhanger.
“Little traitor. I can hear your panic from here,” his voice comes from behind me, soft like he's cooing in my ear. “It’s like music to my ears.”
My heart's pounding so hard that I think it might just stop. It feels like I am at the end of my very short rope and I don't know how to claw my way out.
I'm yanked back, just as my fingers brush the surface. I spin around, ready to confront my own personal nightmare, but there's no one there. Just the sound of my own breathing, ragged and loud in the silent square.
The moment my eyes fly open, a scream tears from my throat, shattering the silence of the night. In that same heartbeat, my bedroom door is flung open with such force it slams against the wall, sending a jolt of fear zipping through my veins.
The dark silhouette framed in the doorway is imposing, a tower of muscle, leaving no room for anything else. My heart stutters, caught in the grip of pure terror until the harsh light from the hallway carves out the familiar, fiercely beautiful features of Wolf.
His presence is like pure strength —wild, uncontrollable, and breathtakingly magnificent. As he strides in with the gun in his hand, his eyes scan the room for whatever threat had me screaming in the middle of the night. His movements are precise and concentrated - he’s stealthy in a way I have never seen before.
When his gaze finally meets mine, there's a palpable shift in the air. The hardness in his expression melts into something tender, almost vulnerable, as he lowers his weapon. Memories of my nightmare cling to me like cobwebs, making my chest heave as if I'm still fighting to escape my own mind. It's been an eternity since I last woke up screaming, a sound I've learned to silence, to bury deep within me so I wouldn't disturb Aiden’s peace.
Wolf moves toward me, his approach cautious, as if he’s afraid I'll shatter at the slightest touch. Tears betray me, spilling over and causing my entire face to flame with embarrassment. I don’t fucking cry in front of anyone…its a sign of weakness that Ihave refused to show. Yet, in front of Wolf, my defenses crumble without my permission.