Page 6 of Claimed By the Bratva
The second the contract is signed I hand it back to Roman. Julio gets up and hurries out of the warehouse, the tall metal door slamming shut behind him. Two cars start outside, their engines roaring to life before the noise fades into the background.
Roman folds the contract and puts it in the inner pocket of his grey coat. “I wasn’t sure that he was going to be good for the deal. Others have said that he is flaky at best.”
I get up and stretch, my joints cracking. “He needs the guns. I suspect that in time he will need more. We will be able to supply him with them. If this partnership continues the way I would like it to, we are looking at a very lucrative deal.”
“It will be. Julio is trying to make a name for himself. No doubt he will come back to see you again.”
I nod and slide off my suit jacket, draping it over one arm. “What about the woman from the club? Were you able to find out who she was?”
“I got the list of memberships used that night and dug into everyone there. None of the names on the memberships matched a woman who looked like her.”
“And yet, you found something, did you not?” The warning in my voice is evident. Roman is my right-hand man for a reason. He dives into the trenches when I need work done, I don’t have time to do it myself.
“I did. Hazel Hudson. Her name was on the membership list, but she didn’t match the description you gave me.”
I drag my hand over my face. “Then why are we bothering to discuss her? Did you find the woman who tried to kill me or not?”
“When I ran a background check and searched her social media, I saw a woman who fit the exact description you gave me. There was even a picture of this woman with Hazel wearing the same dress you described.”
“Roman, you’re fucking with me. Just get to the information I need. I don’t have time to waste if there is someone out there trying to kill me yet again.”
As the Pakhan, I constantly have a target on my back. I’m used to it, but I try to eliminate my enemies as quickly as possible. If I let someone try to assassinate me for too long, other people will start to see me as weak. They'll get the idea that they can kill me.
“So, I went back to The Quartz. Part of their appeal is supposedly the lack of cameras, but I happen to know the owner likes to keep one in the women’s bathroom. I checked the cameras for the time just after you left her and confirmed her identity.”
Irritation surges through me as I look at him and consider breaking his nose. Me and Roman have been friends for a long time. I allow him to get away with more than I allow most other people, but his teasing is getting old.
“What is her fucking name, Roman?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “You know, I couldn’t believe it when I found out, boss, but it’s Sophia Fletcher. One of Charlie’s daughters.”
I see red. He should have been killed a long time ago and now he’s sending his daughter after me.
For the past few days, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the look she gave me when I pinned her down. It was a mix of lust and fear. She’s too innocent to be a killer, despite her heartless bastard of a father.
My blood boils and my hands curl into fists just thinking about how she tried to kill me. I should have made her suffer more before I let her go. She should have a constant reminder of what happens when someone tries to fuck with me. Something was holding me back and it still is. That night, she was trying to be someone she wasn’t. I realized that when I saw the tears running down her cheeks.
A woman who is capable of murder doesn’t cry when she gets caught.
Did her father force her to do this?
“There is no way that she is Fletcher’s spawn. The woman I saw isn’t capable of half of the shit that man does.” I scoff and shake my head as I make my way to the door. I have other business to deal with. I don’t have time for foolish games.
“Sophia was raised by her mother for most of her childhood. From what I can tell, she was aware of her father’s dealings, but she wasn’t involved in it. At least not until her mother died when she was fifteen. Charlie took custody after that. She threw herself into school. My guess is to try and avoid the mobster life as much as possible.”
Our footsteps echo as we walk across the dirty floor. Roman hits the light switch, turning off the dim lighting cast by broken overhead lights. I push open the door, the crisp morning air greeting me.
Sophia Fletcher. Too innocent for this mobster's life and yet she tried to dive headfirst into it the other night after years of avoiding it. If she wants to play games, I can play games.
“And now what’s she doing?” I ask as we walk across the cracked pavement to the waiting car.
“She’s studying to become a nurse.” Roman grins as the driver opens the door for me.
“A mobster’s daughter becoming a nurse?” I laugh and shake my head, leaning against the car. “That is rich. Fucking perfect. What does she think? Does she think that she can make up for everything her bastard father has done by helping people??”
Roman chuckles and pulls the keys for his car out of his pocket. “Fuck knows.”
“We’re going to find out.” I toss my jacket into the car before grinning at Roman, my mind already starting to spin with possibilities. “Call Charlie. I have a deal for him.”