Page 24 of Crave and Torn
Ha. And a yearning for his body.
“I’d love to see the rooms,” I say, trying to push the confusing thoughts from my brain.
“Yeah, Arch. Show her everything. Explain the concept behind the resort so she can get a better understanding.” Gage smirks.
The look that crosses Archer’s face is nothing short of uncomfortable. “Do you want to see them, Ivy?” he asks stiffly, his gaze flicking to Gage before it returns to me.
“Absolutely.” I’m surprised he asks. I wonder more at his discomfort. Is this entire scenario misleading? Is he hiding some sort of secret sex den in one of the buildings? Oh, good lord, I know Archer’s reputation precedes him, but he was pretty vanilla last night when we had sex. Nothing too outrageous.
But he was certainly the tastiest vanilla I’ve ever experienced.
We walk down a meandering gravel path, Archer leading us to a row of detached cottages that each individually house a room. They all have quaint front porches with a pair of large, comfortable-looking chairs on either side of the front entrance, and he approaches the largest one, me following right behind him and stopping while he opens the door.
Inhaling as discreetly as possible, I breathe in his scent, closing my eyes for the briefest moment. He smells... amazing, fresh and clean and delicious. I sway toward him, afraid I might fall into him, and he turns just as I right myself, his brows furrowed as he studies me.
“Ladies first.” He points toward the door and I follow the length of his arm, realizing a little too late that the door is open and he’s waiting for me to enter.
I’d been so caught up in my obsessive sniffing, I didn’t realize he opened the damn door.
My cheeks hot, I walk inside, glancing about the space, which I instantly love. It’s got a contemporary feel with dark wood floors, a giant fireplace dominating the room, and sleek furniture. I do a slow circle, taking everything in. I catch a glimpse of the giant bed within the bedroom, a deck off the back of the cottage with a beautiful view, and—is that a...
“Is that a tub?” I point toward it lamely, feeling like a little kid.
“Yes, it is.” He sounds amused, and he starts toward the French door that leads onto the deck. I follow him, curious to check it out, and I glance over my shoulder, seeing that Gage isn’t following us.
In fact, he isn’t in the room at all.
Frowning, I turn back around to see Archer studying me carefully, his hand curled around the door handle. “Your brother took a phone call. He’s out front.”
“Oh.” Swallowing hard, I nod once. Is that all I can seem to say when he makes those types of statements? The ones that worry me and make me realize that I can pretend I don’t want him but it’s all a lie.
I still want him. More now that I’ve had him.
“Well, let’s check out the view then,” I say, hoping he doesn’t notice my wavering voice.
Being alone with Archer, even for a few minutes, is going to test my very patience.
Ivy’s looking at me like she wants to eat me up with a spoon and fuck me, I’m returning the feeling a millionfold. But Gage is out front and who knows how long he’s going to take with his call.
I can’t risk it.
I want to risk it so bad my hands literally itch to touch her.
Being near her flat-out arouses me, there’s no denying it. Her scent, her smile, the way she looked at me when I explained Hush’s background. I saw the glimmer of sympathy in her eyes. She knows what an asshole my father is.
The last thing I want from her is sympathy. I’m not a charity case.
She walks out onto the private deck and I follow her, admiring the curve of her ass, the little gasp of pleasure she gives when she catches sight of the rolling hills covered with what looks like endless rows of vineyards.
“So beautiful,” she murmurs, and I wholeheartedly agree. She’s gorgeous.
“You like the view?” Because I sure as hell do. I take a step closer, noting how I tower over her. Her hair is mostly dry, the ends wavy, and I want to grab hold of her ponytail. Yank her head back and kiss her until the both of us are stupid with lust.
“It’s stunning.” She glances over her shoulder at me, the smile on her face slowly fading. “You’re looking at me weird.”
The sexy whisper of her voice doesn’t quite go along with what she’s saying. “How am I looking at you?”