Page 44 of Crave and Torn
“Deep inside, I’m petrified you’ll tell me to fuck off.” Couldn’t she see that? I hardly uttered a word for the last five minutes. I just let her do all the talking.
She laughs, the tension easing from her expression at my confession. “I would never say that to you.”
“Never say never.”
“So we’re in agreement then,” she says, releasing a shuddering breath.
“Design skills for orgasms? I think so.” I grin and she glares at me.
“You make it sound sleazy. You’re paying me for my design skills.” Worry flits through her gaze. “Right?”
I chuckle. “Of course. You know this.” Pausing, I contemplate her. “But you don’t have to pay me for the orgasms, you know. I’ll handle that task for free. Gladly.”
“Oh my God, this is the most embarrassing thing ever. I should’ve never told you.” She buries her face in her hands.
I stand and slowly start to approach her. “Don’t be embarrassed.” My voice is soft and I stop directly in front of where she’s sitting. “I’m glad you were honest with me.”
She tilts her head back, her gaze meeting mine. “Will you be honest with me?”
I think of the bet. I think of Matt laughing his ass off at me. Of me owing him that extra fifty grand because damn it, he was right. I think of Gage wanting to murder me for defiling his sister.
“I’ll try my best,” I say because it’s all I can offer.
“That works,” she murmurs, a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. “I’m excited to see the new resort.”
“I’m excited to show you.”
“Calistoga is gorgeous.”
“I agree. Wait till you see it. Hopefully you’ll think the hotel is gorgeous too.”
She nibbles on her lower lip, looking unsure and incredibly sexy. “I want to thank you for the opportunity. Letting me work with you,” she says softly.
“I’m grateful you’re willing to help.” Reaching out, I skim my hand over the top of her head, my fingers tangling in the silky soft strands of her hair.
“Like I said, you really didn’t give me any choice.” She shakes her head, but I don’t remove my hand. I never want to stop touching her. “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”
“You could never, ever disappointment me,” I tell her, knowing I’m one hundred percent right. Though I’m starting to wonder if she’s talking about disappointing me in a non-work-related way.
Again, she could never, ever disappointment there either.
“I don’t know about that,” she says, her voice full of doubt as she watches me approach.
“Let me prove it to you.” I take her hand so I can pull her to her feet.
“How?” Her voice is trembling, her gaze meeting mine expectantly.
“Like this.”
Chapter 12
Archer’s mouth settles on mine before I can utter a single word, and I’m completely lost. In the taste of him, the scent of him, the way he moves into me as if it’s his every right to be there. Touching me, holding me, drawing me close, his arms circling my waist.
This is what I really want. Working with him will be a great boost to my career; the Bancroft Corporation a stellar client to put into my portfolio and an opportunity that I would be a fool to pass up.
But this is what I not-so-secretly crave. Being in Archer’s arms again, his persuasive lips caressing mine, gently encouraging me to open to him. I do so easily, letting the soft sigh escape when his tongue touches mine. After all my arguments and protests, I still can’t believe I confessed to him what I really wanted.