Page 62 of Crave and Torn
“Can’t believe you had the nerve to talk about the Molinas in front of theirdaughter. You’re a complete dickhead.” Archer shakes his head, chuckling. “To be a fly on the wall...”
“Shut up.” I sound vaguely whiny even to my own ears. I remember how she glared at me when I started talkingabout her family.Holy shit.So much disgust had filled her gaze. How she called me a vulture before fleeing, not once turning back to look at me despite my yelling her name. She’d hurried right out of that room as if the devil himself was chasing her.
Yeah. I really screwed that up.
“She’s very close to her family,” Archer goes on with a gleam in his eye. Like he’s enjoying my misery by torturing me with more information. “I’m sure she’s already run off to Daddy and told him everything.”
“I don’t need to feel any worse than I already do,” I say, my voice low, as low as my mood. “And if that’s the case, my chance at that strip of businesses in St. Helena is shot, huh.”
“Yep, you’re fucked,” Archer agrees. A little too easily for my taste, but what can I say? I’m sure he’s one hundred percent right.
I royally fucked this up.
Glancing around, I notice the restaurant is pretty empty. We’re having a late lunch, and I should probably let Archer get back to work, but I’m frustrated with this entire situation.
“I don’t get it. I don’t know why I can’t make this happen. It’s like Scott Knight refuses to see me. I’ve tried to make an appointment with him multiple times. He never returns my calls.” Or takes them either. If it was bad before, imagine how much he’ll ignore me now after his daughter shreds my name and reputation?
“I’m surprised you didn’t put two and two together, considering you’ve been hounding Scott Knight for weeks,” Archer says, all nonchalant conversation-like.
My mind is spinning; I’m hoping like hell I can come up with a solution and smooth over this incredible blunder I’ve made.
I don’t normally do this sort of thing—blunders. I’m efficient, conscientious, and, above all, careful. Archer is the screwup. This is why we’ve always balanced each other out so well. He pushes me and I rein him in.
“You’re always on top of your game,” Archer continues. “What happened last night?” He contemplates me; I can feel his eyes staring at me hard. “You got the hots for Marina Knight, don’t you?”
“Fuck no,” I say way too defensively, glaring at him in return. “She’s an ice queen.”
“If so, she’s a beautiful one.” Archer lowers his voice. “Don’t tell your sister I said that. She’d chop my balls off.”
“Like I’d tell her,” I mutter. “She’d probably chopmyballs off by association. Marina distracted me. I took one look at her and it was like my brain froze.”
“Ha.” Archer shakes his head. “She has a bit of a reputation for being... indifferent. And for whatever reason, every guy who encounters all that cool indifference seems to get caught in that magnetic spell Marina casts. I don’t know what it is about her.”
Great. So it was nothing special between us. She’s some sort of mythical siren. “I screwed up. I wish I could start over, but it’s too late now.”
“You could go see her and apologize,” Archer suggests.
“See her? Where?”
“She runs the organic bakery in St. Helena. You’ve heard of Autumn Harvest, right?”
Heard of it? That bakery is in the very block of stores I want to purchase. The Molinas had put it up for sale before, a few years ago, when the bottom fell out of the economy. They took it off the market before I could make an offer—not that I’d been in a position to make such an offer then. My moneyhad been tied up in other properties and, just like everyone else in America, I’d been hit by the economic crash. Thank God I’d recuperated and am now doing better than ever. I’m a lucky bastard.
And, damn it, I want that property. The Molinas own four buildings on Main Street in St. Helena. Half of them need renovating, but they don’t have the cash to invest in such major work. The lease was coming up on one of them. Another building sat empty. Revamping those locations would allow me to collect more rent money. And that money would make everything worth my while.
Though I can’t make the purchase if I can’t get Scott Knight to talk to me.
“So it’s really an organic bakery?” I ask. Sounds like a contradiction. I associate bakeries with sweet, sugary goodness, not good-for-you food.
“Well, they say that to please the health-conscious masses. And they make some delicious all-natural artisan breads. It’s the cakes that kick ass, though.” Archer leans back, patting his stomach. “Ivy brought one home for my birthday. Best damn cake I ever ate.”
“What kind? And doesshebake them?” I found that hard to believe. She didn’t seem like the sweet, domesticated type. Definitely doesn’t look like a woman who likes to knead dough and frost cakes.
“She’s not the baker, her aunt is. Marina manages the business.”
Huh. Pulling my phone out of my jeans pocket, I bring up Autumn Harvest in St. Helena, clicking the “About Us” link. Impatiently I wait for the photos to load, sighing when I see the small pic of Marina Knight smiling at me.
This is where I recognize her from—the website. I’d lookedat it before when I was gathering information. Ammo. Whatever you want to call it.