Page 65 of Crave and Torn
“He wasn’t that bad.” Major understatement. No, Gage Emerson definitely isn’t horrid. Handsome, yes. Sexy, indeed he is. Confident to the point of smug, oh yeah.
I’ve always found confidence in a man attractive. I blame my father. He embodies all of those traits in a most handsome package.
“Do you forgive him?”
Blinking, I turn to find Gina studying me, her gaze shrewd. “What did you say?” I ask.
“What with the flowers and the card he sent you, do you now forgive this man who insulted our family? And why would he go so far and apologize like this? How long did you two talk?” she asks.
“I don’t know. Ten minutes?”
Her lips tighten to the point of almost completely disappearing from her face. How does she do that? “So a man you spoke to for ten minutes and treated you rudely sends you flowers that probably cost hundreds of dollars? I smell a rat.”
“You always do,” I tease her, trying to lighten the moment, but she won’t have it.
Shaking her head, she rounds the counter and stands on the other side, sticking her face into the bouquet and breathing deep. “This is by far the most beautiful arrangement I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot.” That was the truth, considering Gina used to create beautiful cakes for wedding receptions. We gave that up when I took over. I’d streamlined the business completely, something my aunt was very grateful for. She’d been working herself to the bone.
Now I guess it’s my turn.
“He’s just trying to impress me with his money,” I joke, making her smile. “Probably hoping I’ll fall to my knees and praise him for his lavish gifts.”
“Now that sounds like an interesting scenario,” a man’s voice says from behind her.
Gasping at the sound of the faintly familiar, velvety deep voice, I glance up to find Gage Emerson himself standing in the middle of the bakery, looking disgustingly gorgeous, clad in another one of those perfect suits he owns. The man dresses to perfection. And why didn’t I hear the bell ring over the door? “Oh my God,” I whisper, absolutely mortified. His suggestive tone said he found my words... titillating. Great.
And while we’re standing in the presence of my very overprotective and slightly angry aunt.
“I take it this is the rat?” she asks, making me groan inwardly.
“At your service, ma’am.” Gage goes to her, his hand outstretched. Gina eyes it warily, as if it was a snake that might strike her at any moment. “Gage Emerson, aka The Rat.”
She laughs and takes his hand, charmed. Just like that. Itmight not last, knowing my aunt, but come on... everyone seems to fall for him.
Why does her positive reaction rub me the wrong way? Why doesGagerub me the wrong way?
If I’m being honest with myself, I could get on board with him rubbing me the right way. And I don’t normally fall for smug assholes. I’m attracted to confident men, but there’s something about Gage I don’t like. His arrogance is over the top. He seems like he’d be bad for me. And I’ve never had a bad-boy fetish.
Not that he’s a bad boy, per se. But he’s definitely trouble. Trouble I don’t want.
Yeah, you do.
I’m arguing with my own self inside my head. Clearly, I’ve lost my mind. I don’t get it. I don’t get my reaction to him.
Correction. I don’t want to react to him, and I can’t seem to help myself.
Chapter 3
The two women eye me carefully, the older woman—who I assume is Marina’s aunt—relaxing somewhat.
At least someone has a sense of humor around here. You could cut the tension in this cute little European-style bakery with a cake knife.
“How are you, Marina?” I walk toward the counter, noting how she grips the edge so tight she’s white-knuckling it. Do I make her that angry? Or maybe... that nervous?
I know she makes me nervous. She’s all I think about, which can’t be healthy.
For once, I really don’t give a damn.