Page 73 of Crave and Torn
“Why won’t you go to dinner with me?” I blurt, instantly hating myself for letting the question fly out of my mouth. I don’t think I want to know her answer. I don’t think she appreciates me asking when I sound like a whiny little baby either.
“You want the truth.”
I nod furiously. “Hell yeah, I do.”
“You’re trouble.” She says nothing else, just regards me with those cold, assessing blue eyes.
“I think you have me mistaken with Archer.” No one has ever called me specifically trouble. Archer, yes, all the damn time. Me, Archer, and Matt together? Oh, hell yeah. We caused all sorts of trouble together, especially in our younger years.
But me, all alone? I’m not trouble. Not really. I’m a pretty responsible guy. My dad instilled it in me to take care of everything that matters. In business and in pleasure. When I see something I want, I go after it until I make it mine.
Is that what you’re doing right now?
I push the scary-as-fuck thought right out of my head.
“I already told you I don’t know Archer that well. I do know he has a reputation,” she starts.
I interrupt her. “Well earned, let me tell you. He’s an absolute dog.”
“Hmm. Well, from what I’ve heard, he’s settled down now that he has a fiancé.”
My sister, but I don’t bother telling her that. I have to keepsome of my secrets. I might want to use them someday. And I can’t keep up this pretense that Archer’s a total dog because he’s not. Everything Marina says is true. “Listen, I swear I’m not trouble. Trust me.”
She laughs. “Any guy who says ‘I swear’ and ‘trust me’ is one hundred percent trouble.”
I’m starting to get offended. More than anything, I’m fucking tired of dealing with her. Yet here I stand, still dealing with her.Wantingto fucking deal with her. And wanting to prove her wrong too. “You don’t know me.”
“I know your kind. You think you can get what you want and when you don’t, you turn it into a challenge,” she tosses at me.
Well, hell. She’s pretty dead-on with that one.
“And I think for whatever sick and twisted reason, I’ve become a challenge to you,” she continues, her eyes blazing with newfound anger. “I’m not some game to play and eventually win, Gage. I’ve already told you I’m not interested in you or your offer. What else do you want from me?”
I move toward her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me. She presses her other hand on my chest. Her eyes have gone wide as she stares up at me in shock. “I want a chance.”
“If you’re circling back to the dinner date thing, no. I think it’s a bad idea.” She takes a deep breath. “I think the two of us together is a bad idea. You don’t like me. I don’t like you. There’s no point to this. We should walk away from each other right now.”
Now that sounds dramatic. “I never said I didn’t like you.” I might’ve thought it because, hell, the woman loves to throw up roadblocks. I thread my fingers through hers, pulling her into me. Her hand is small, soft, and warm. I like the way it feels in my grip.
“We don’t even know each other.” Her lower lip trembles as she stares up at me. “You make me nervous, I hope you know.”
“Guess what? You do the same thing to me.”
She stares at me incredulously. “Really?”
I nod and don’t say another word. Something about this woman makes me want to be honest with her. Lay it all on the line.
Whether it’s good or bad. Whether I want to know her response or not, I need to hear it. For once in my life, I want to leave myself vulnerable when it comes to a woman. But only for this woman. She has me so twisted up in knots I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to unravel them.
I don’t know if I want to either.
Chapter 5
Wait... did Gage just say I made him nervous? Really? I find that hard to believe.
I’m so tired, so ready to go home and collapse into bed, yet here he is, holding my hand and overwhelming me with his mere presence. He’s probably lying. Trying to get an in with me so he can get closer to my dad. Well, forget it. He can’t trick me.