Page 37 of Not Bad for a Girl
I grabbed my laptop from the coffee table and pulled up a search engine. For practically the first time in my life, I googled myself.
APOLLOIT’SEMPLOYEESPOTLIGHTSERIESwas the first link in the long list that Google brought back. It was an offshoot page of the company’s main website.
“Uh-oh,” I breathed as I clicked the link.
Patrick squished himself onto the couch on the other side of me, so I was the filling in a Patrick/Heidi sandwich as the page loaded.
Meet Indiana Aaron, Featured Employeewas splashed across the top ofthe page. Next to my name was a generic silhouette with the wordsphoto not available.
We all leaned in closer to the screen as I read aloud. “Indiana Aaron has been with Apollo IT for over a year and has recently begun work with the Artemis team as a coder. When Indiana is not changing the interface of today’s world, you can find him crash-landing planes, running with the bulls, or playing hockey with the pros. You might even find him saving lives in a burning building. Indiana also expresses his complexity through art. An accomplished potter, Indiana’s Emotions series reflects some of the darker aspects of our society, likely a result of his time in a war.”
I froze, too shocked to move. “Who wrote that?” I asked in a whisper.
“I would put my money on Melvin,” Patrick said.
“A war? Just like,awar?” I groaned.
“To be fair, it doesn’t specify which one,” Patrick offered. “If that helps.”
“It doesn’t. You don’t think that guy Evan could have written it, do you?”
Patrick thought for a moment, then seemed to remember. “The angry little dude at the bar? Why would you think that?”
“Well, he’s always questioning my work, and he seems to hate Indiana.”
“But this is a glowing bio, Ana. You sound like a rock star.”
“You don’t think it’s sarcastic?” I argued. “Surely nobody thinks Indianaruns with the freaking bulls,” I said pointedly.
“I don’t think it’s sarcastic either,” Patrick said. “I think you have a fan.”
I covered my face with my hands. “All I wanted was a job I’m qualified for and a big enough salary to keep me, my dad, and my new tadpoles comfortable.”
“And look what happened. You’re an emerging star in the art world,” Patrick said.
“You’re so jealous.” Heidi snickered at him.
“I am. I thought I was better than that, but it appears I’m not.”
My phone buzzed from the coffee table, and I grabbed it. A text from Melvin Hammer flashed across the screen.
“Shhh, Patrick. It’s Hammer time,” Heidi said.
“How long have you been waiting to say that?” I asked.
She looked away. “Quite a while.”
I thumbed the message open.Indiana. Did you get the materials I sent over?
“We get to watch the magic happen, Patrick,” Heidi whispered.
I concentrated on the phone with Heidi hanging over one shoulder.Received. Looking forward to the opportunity to meet with S.J.
A few dots, then:I have a very tight schedule and need to be back in NYC tomorrow morning—
“I’m Melon, and I’m the most interesting man in the whole world,” Heidi mimicked in a raspy voice.
I shushed her and kept reading.So I need you to get to work on the pitch by yourself right away. Make sure to highlight any inside knowledge you have about the Avs. Location is the training center for the Avalanche. I’m sure you’re familiar with it.