Page 104 of Tempted Angel
“Angel,” I say.
“Alien,” Stevie says at the same moment.
“Wait, alien?” She’s a little right. I not from Earth.
“Wait, did you say angel?”
I nod. “We usually call ourselves Celestians, but yes.”
Her gaze softens, and she reaches out, going for my hair. I let her, mostly because I don’t think she’s aware she’s doing it.
“Your hair is… I don’t even know the word for it. Looks like a unicorn mane to me. Iridescent and like, like an opal or pearl or something…”
I chuckle. “We call it Celestian pearl. It’s a common hair color in my realm.”
The last time I was here, I hadn’t gotten my Grace. I was just a blonde, then.
I slide the ring back on, before I melt her brain and the daze clears from Stevie’s face. If Stevie were strictly human and not supernatural, I would have blinded her with my unglamoured form.
We don’t know why humans can’t look at us without going mad or blind.
“Holy shitballs, Dove. You’re like… like a real angel.”
Another chuckle. “Yes. And I’m here to get my betrothed out of the Syndicate. It’s why I’m so cozy with the heirs. They promised to help me.”
I weigh whether to tell Stevie what will happen if I fail. But being forced to fuck an Elder to advance my father’s career seems far too dark for her, so I keep it to myself.
“Do they know they’re helping you get the guy you’re supposed to marry? ‘Cause they all seem pretty keen on making you their new demoness mate.”
“They do not. And I plan to keep it that way.”
Stevie nods solemnly. “How can I help?”
“First, I need you to keep acting the same way. Keep being pissed off at the heirs, and don’t let on that anything has changed.”
“Easy. I don’t need to act to be pissed off at those entitled dickheads.”
I ignore the twinge of anger in my chest.
“I also need you to keep Sera in the loop. Now that you know the situation, you can relay to Sera the issues I’m having.”
“Good idea. But I actually scheduled a call with her… Now.”
My heart swells as Stevie pulls out the scrying mirror from under her bed. The black surface hums once before Stevie taps it, and Sera’s face appears.
I nod, grinning. “Hi!”
“Fuck, am I glad to see you! I was so worried! You missed so many calls.”
“I know. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help?—”
“I know. Stevie told me. Are you OK?”
I nod, holding the mirror closer. “Are you?”
She nods, too, with a little sniff.