Page 151 of Tempted Angel
I’m about to explain about brain damage when I realize that my outbursts have become fewer and far between.
Bash rewets and rewarms the washcloth and walks to me, planting himself between my legs to care for me. “Sit back for me. There you go,” he says as I lie back against a mound of pillows.
The first pass of the cloth is so nice and relaxing, I let out a tiny sighing moan.
“Honestly, I’m not sure how we’ll go about it. But I am excited to figure it out together,” he murmurs.
“Well, how have you done it before?”
The tip of Bastian’s nose goes pink as he meets my eyes. “I haven’t, Dove. You’re the first I’ve wanted to try with who also wanted to try with me.”
It’s so earnest, so heartfelt, it warms me through and through. But it doesn’t stop with warm, and then my body is suddenly feverish.
“Holy hells, Dove, are you alright?” Bastian’s voice is distant compared to the rushing blood and pounding need between my thighs. “Dick! She needs dick! Get your asses in here!”
I’m writhing, moaning, hands going to my crotch to try to relieve some of the sudden overwhelming pressure and need. I touch myself and instantly pull my hand back.
“What’s wrong with me?” I ask Bastian.
That didn’t feel like me at all.
“You’re just swollen baby. You’re coming to the last stages ofustruesnow.”
“That didn’t feel swollen.”
“Technically, what you have is anustrueserection,” Axe says as he, Enzo, and Dashel enter the room, all naked and with still-wet hair.
Dashel made them all shower for me, I just knew it. He gets extra snuggles.
Still, what the hell is going on with my parts?
“Lean back, baby. We’re going to take care of you,” Bastian says softly.
My gaze darts from his to Dash’s.
“We’ve got you, Dove. Don’t worry.” His words are soft, and he says them with a smile, but he can’t erase the worry line from his brow.
In a blur, everyone’s shuffling around. Enzo wiggles under me, so I’m now lying on top of him with my back on his chest. Bastian kneels on the floor next to me. He’s tall enough that he can still reach anything he wants, though. So that’s good.
“Look at me, Dove,” Bash says, and I meet his gaze. “This is going to feel weird.”
“What? What’s going to feel weird?”
He doesn’t answer, choosing instead to lower his mouth to my pussy…
Enzo laughs under me. “Ustrueserection.”
Standing out from my body at least six inches and thick as my wrist, is…
I didn’t see it before. My eyes were clamped tight with need.
Bastian smiles right over it. Right over me. “It is, Dove. And I can suck it like a dick. Just imagine all the sensation multiplied by a hundred for every extra inch of clit you now have.”
I groan, suddenly warming to the idea.