Page 23 of Tempted Angel
My mouth charges ahead like a runaway train. “Did you just call him boss? What is this, a bad mafia movie?”
The silence in the hall changes, thickening with tension. I have no idea why.
Another demon steps forward, this one with long, wavy hair half tied up and topaz eyes framed with dark lashes. “We’ll let that one slide since you’re new and incredibly fuckable.”
This demon’s rude words wrap around me like silken promises. My heart quickens, and my face goes hot.
This is one of the very few times I’m grateful for my condition. On my own, I’d never be able to think of a comeback so quickly. But apparently some part of me would because it’s flying out of my mouth like it’s got wings.
“Hard pass. I wouldn’t even touch you withhisdick.” I smirk, nodding toward the beefy, scarred one.
More muffled laughter, but it doesn’t break the tension in the air.
Axe smiles at my jab. The weight of his gaze settles on me, and that smile grows too sharp, too hungry. Like the glint of a beautiful blade before it draws your blood.
“I’ll take that bet, little demon,” he says quiet enough only those close can hear. He then holds out his hand, gesturing for me to put something in it.
But I can’t even guess at what he wants.
“What are you, slow?” Oliva smirks, looking down at me in every sense of the word. “Give him your tablet, obviously.”
Oh. Good thing I brought it to dinner with me. I shoot a quick glance at Stevie, who gives me a covert nod. So, with her approval, I hand it over.
Axe glances at it, rolls his eyes and juts it out at me. “Unlock it for me?” His tone is pleasant. It might even be sweet, but the derision in his clenched jaw and tight mouth speaks louder.
I quickly enter my fake birthday from the hospital records, remind myself to change it like the headmaster told me to, and give it back to him.
As I do, his gaze stays fixed on my ring.
He taps the screen a few times and hands it back. “Be there,” he says and walks away.
He and his horde of followers are almost to the other side of the hall before conversations pick back up.
“What did he do?” Stevie asks.
I swipe up to show the latest opened apps and the first one in the carousel is a calendar app.
And a date highlighted in red.
A single event that wasn’t there before blinks at me.
Stevie and Jess gasp at the same time, but Stevie gets her words out first. “Great fucking Wolf, Dove. He invited you to the Auction!”
Before I can ask what in the hells the “Auction” is, a shifter with shaggy hair and freckles sidles up to the table before making himself comfortable next to Jess.
“How’s my favorite witch?” he asks, then kisses her cheek.
“Austin! Dove here just got herself invited to the Auction!”
The shifter looks at me. “Did you, now?”
I can’t keep the bewildered expression off my face. “Seems like it? But fuck if I know what that means.”
Jess takes my hand. “Girl! It’s a super elite party that only the rich kids get invited to.” She leans in close, lowering her voice. “I heard last year they auctioned off a shifter girl’s virginity.”
Stevie nods. “I heard that too. Her mate was pissed, almost rejected her for it.”
“Well, there’s no way they’re getting that from me.”