Page 9 of Strong and Steady
I push the woman from my mind and flip back to the faceless torso that usually meets me in my dreams. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she’s replaced again immediately by Peyton’s soft, sweet lips and her thick, juicy frame.
Fucking hell!
I take my hand off my cock in an attempt to flip into something else, but it’s no use. She’s there in my mind and I can’t stop myself from wanting all of her.
In my head, she’s wearing the cute little dress she had on today at the house. It’s black with an orange cat embroidered on the collar. There was nothing sexual about the outfit, but her curves created a shape that I can’t stop thinking about.
I wonder the sounds she’ll make as I tug the dress over her head and unclasp the fabric of her bra. The way she’ll move beneath my hands. The way she’ll look as her big, heavy tits fall.
I stroke faster and faster, thinking how I’d slide between her legs and taste her sweet, little pussy. I’d bet she’s never been touched right. I can see it on her face. She’s aching to be ravished. She needs more. She needs me. She needs my cock deep inside her warm, welcoming body.
My thighs tighten as I stroke.
Maybe she likes it rough. Maybe she’d like it if I bent her over and spanked her round ass for being so naughty, for dancing at the club, for showing her body to any other man but me.
This thought is the one that takes me over the edge. Without hesitation, I’m coming hard in my hand as I bite back a moan of pleasure. Rippled energy travels down my spine until total relaxation leads to regret.
What the fuck is wrong with me?It’s one thing to think she’s pretty. It’s one thing to see a single woman and want to keep her safe. It’s a whole other thing to jerk off to the thought of her.
I’m pretty sure that makesmeone of the asshole perverts.
I towel off my cock and head to the bathroom to wash up before climbing back into bed. I thought coming would make these thoughts go away, but they’re still here… now only louder and clearer. They echo in my mind like an uncharacteristically out-of-control train of urges. I want Peyton, and nothing is going to stop me from getting her.
Chapter Five
“Nothing happened. He’s just weird.” Lainey is at the inn on Main where she’s been staying for the last week.
“Like how weird?”
“Weird, weird.”
“Sexy, though.”
“Sexy and weird.”
“So, you don’t want to have fun with him?”
“I don’t want to have fun with anyone. That never works out. I’ve got kids to think about now.”
“Right, but they want their mom to have fun.”
“Fun that ends in disaster was never really fun, and I see the disaster on this a mile away.”
“Why?” There’s an entitled whine in her voice that I overlook because I know she means well, but wow does this girl need to get in touch with reality. “Disasters can be fun, too.”
“Seriously?He’s too much of a project. I’d have to teach him to speak like a proper human and explain to him how to appropriately express feelings. I don’t have energy for that.”
“Or… you could take him as he is and see how that changes your life for the better. You get in your head too much. I think a guy like Atlas could be good for you.” Her advice isn’t so bad this time. It might even make a little sense.
“What do you mean?”
“My sister is really carefree, so she dated this really gruff dude and they kind of balanced each other out. He was down to Earth when she was flying away, and she loosened him up. They’ve been married forever now.”
“How do you know she’s happy, though? Maybe she’s struggling because he never talks right.”
Lainey laughs. “Talks right?What does that mean?”