Page 8 of Hate On
Edgar wagged a finger at her, smiling broadly. “I knew you’d be the first to ask, Julianna. I’ll tell you what. Your family will have the first look at what can be done with this tech—for seventy-two hours. And I’ll instruct my men at our lab in Thailand to stand by to answer questions should you have them.” He slanted a look toward the table where the Montrose party waited. “You’ll get a look at it after the seventy-two hours are up. You’ll also have three days and the same access to my team in Thailand.”
“Why do they get it first?” Michael asked, waving a hand across the room toward the Castles.
“The early bird gets the worm,” Edgar said easily.
He went on to speak in more detail about the sale itself, sealed bids, winner takes all.
Julianna’s mind was whirling with everything, but most especially with what Edgar’s team might have on their hands with this new prototype. Templeton Legacy’s people had discovered the latest change in mining precious metals within just the past couple of years and it had significantly changed the game, especially as far as platinum and gold went.
If this was going to be another game-changer, her familyhadto be the one to get it.
Her eyes were justas big and dark as he remembered.
A lot of other things had changed, but then again, it had been…what, eighteen years?
What didn’t change in eighteen years?
The shiny, dark sweep of her hair hadn’t.
Don’t think about her hair, Roman,he told himself, listening with half an ear as Edgar Templeton continued on with small details that were more for the benefit of the lawyers than for him or his father.
Michael Montrose slid him a look.
After years of working for, then with his father, Roman was an expert at reading those looks and he gave a tiny nod. He agreed. They needed to speak for a few minutes and strategize.
He was glad when Edgar called for a short break, because it kept him from having to. He kept hoping Julianna would. He’d spied the coffee cup in front of her and although he’d only had a few sips of his, she’d steadily drained hers until it was empty and that had been before the meeting had even started.
Edgar calling for the break was totally different from one of them needing the break but at least Roman didn’t lose the upper hand by requesting it himself.
As he and his father stepped out into the large hallway, they kept quiet, walking down the hallway in search of privacy. They found it in a small alcove at the end of the hall that offered a view of both Manhattan and the rest of the hall.
After both men had settled into two matching wingback chairs, Michael spoke softly. “We can’t let the Castles get a look at that information before we do. I’m sure you’re aware of this, Roman.”
“Of course.” Roman resisted the urge to snort. “If I’d known all that was required to get the early look was stating an obvious fact, we’d already have that first look secured. Or maybe I was supposed to bat my lashes at Edgar.”
“Try that next time,” Father suggested. His eyes flicked from Roman back toward the hall.
Roman followed his gaze and saw that Julianna had stepped out into the hallway with her father.
Wow. Those legs…
Roman entertained a brief fantasy of having those legs wrapped around his hips, only to have it interrupted as his father said, “We have to get the first look, Roman. I want you to do whatever it takes togetthat first look.”
He glanced at his father and saw a look of complete sincerity in his eyes. “Whatever it takes,” he echoed.
“Whatever.” Michael rose to his feet and smoothed down his tie, taking his time with it. Then he slanted a look at his son, adding, “It will be worth it, if I know anything about the Templeton family. This is our only chance, son. Don’t waste it.”
He didn’t bother pointing out to his father that he rarely wasted an opportunity and never one that was going to benefit the family or the company. He already knew that.
Together, they headed back into the boardroom and Roman paused as Julianna approached, giving her a slow smile. He already had a prime idea on just how he’d approach this, assuming she was open to it.
She hesitated a bit as she drew closer.
She didn’t stop, didn’t exactlypause—she just…slowed, her eyes resting on Roman’s, appraisingly.