Page 23 of Come Fly With Me
“Fuck off, Cooper,” I reply. “This was your idea.” I know I’m being an ass but I can't help it. What am I supposed to do? Tell him I have a raging hard on for him? I’m still trying to figure out how to deal with this with him in here. It’s not like I can jerk off with him on the other side of the curtain. Fuck. I’m pressing the heel of my hand against my cock, but it’s not helping much, so instead I turn the water as cold as I can stand it and hope that that will calm me down.
“As I recall, darling,” Cooper says, the endearment laced with sarcasm, “this entire thing was your idea. I’m here because you insisted that I come.”
“Yeah, and the only reason you came is because I’m fucking paying you,” I shoot back. God, he’s pissing me off right now. On the plus side my cock is softening from him being such a prick, so I turn the water back to warm again. No sense in freezing my nubs off if I don’t have to.
“You’re a piece of work, you know that?” he says, and I can practically picture him standing there with his arms crossed over his chest as I rinse the shampoo out of my hair.
“And you’re an ass,” I retort.
“You know, I’m starting to understand why we didn’t work out.” His words are soft, but they feel like a jackhammer to my heart.
“You know what, Cooper? Blow me.” There’s more bitterness in my voice than ever before. And Riley can just forget about me talking with this jerk, because it’s not going to happen. There is nothing for us to work through or figure out. We’re better off without each other. Three more days and we’ll be home, and I can pretend none of this ever happened. I’ll wait a month or so, and then come up with some reason for us breaking up again and tell my mom. She’ll be disappointed, but what else is new? Maybe by then I’ll have worked up the courage to tell her the truth about the dates she keeps setting me up on.
“Just hurry up so we can get dressed,” Cooper says with a sigh.
I rinse off and reach out to grab my towel that’s on the hook right outside the shower. I wrap it around my waist and step outside of the tub. And that’s when I see it. The tattoo on his chest, on full display. The one I’ve been getting glimpses of but never the full picture.
My heart stops. I can’t breathe. I step closer, just to make sure I’m not going insane. But, no, it’s right there, in bold print.
My name. Followed by a heartbeat, and then a heart, with a smaller heartbeat right after.
Anger coils in my chest and stomach. “What the hell,” I say, pointing, “is that?” I’m practically shaking.
Cooper looks down, just now noticing what I’m responding to so strongly. He swallows. But I don’t give him a chance to answer.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I say, and then open the bathroom door and make my way across the hall to our room. I slide clean underwear on under my towel and then let it fall to the floor. I’m slipping into jeans when he comes in behind me.
“Wes,” is all he gets out before I turn on him.
“Save it, Coop. I need some air.” I pull a clean shirt on and then brush past him and out of the room. I slide my sandals on, grab my keys, and head out the door into the darkness. I don’t know where I’m going, but I need to be alone.
Fuck. It’s been over an hour and Wes is still not back. And it’s been raining for a while now, too. I know he was upset, but I didn’t think he’d be gone this long, and I’m starting to worry. Where the hell is he? Sure, he grew up around here, but anything could happen to him on a night like this.
I’d told his family that he’d gone out to get me some medicine for a headache, but this is one long ass trip to the drugstore and I think they’re starting to get a tad suspicious, and maybe a little worried. But I didn’t want them to know we’d had a fight.
“Here, you can take these, since it’s taking Wes so long to get back,” Derick says, coming to stand next to me in the kitchenas I look at my phone and bite my lip. I’ve texted Wes half a dozen times and called him just as much and he won’t fucking answer me. I look over at Derick, who has his hand out with two ibuprofen in it, and a knowing smirk on his face. I sigh.
“Not answering your texts?” he says.
I shake my head.
“You still need these?” He gestures to the medicine.
I shake my head again.
“Assuming he’s not actually out getting you medicine, I’m gonna guess you two had a fight.”
I nod. “He didn’t give me a chance to explain, just booked it out of here. He was pissed.”
“Well, you wanna wait for him to come back, or go find him? It’s up to you.”
“You know where he is?” I ask. “I figured I’d be driving around forever, but I’m going crazy waiting for him to come back.”
“There’s a place a few miles out of town that he likes to head to. It’s off the road, secluded and all that, a clearing back in the woods a little ways. I’m guessing that’s where he is. He likes to park his car back there and just sit. Sometimes get out and stare at the stars.”
“How do you know about it?” I ask.