Page 34 of Come Fly With Me
As the song comes to a close my eyes lock with his, and then Cooper is out of his chair and gripping my face in his hands. “You asshole,” he whispers, and then presses his lips to mine as tears slide down his cheeks. I grunt as I try to keep the guitar from falling off of my lap and kiss Cooper back at the same time.
And then I’m blushing furiously, and a breath leaves me when Cooper pulls the guitar out of my hands and thrusts it at Derick, before turning back and gripping my sides, pulling me up. I go, and he lifts me, my arms and legs coming around him.
I know everyone is staring as he holds me to him, one hand supporting my ass, the other wrapped around my back, and I’m feeling a little self-conscious, but I’m also feeling incredibly turned on, and wanted, and loved, and right now those emotions are taking over as Cooper stares at me. He obviously doesn’t give a shit that this is happening in front of our families. He’s never cared about that stuff. He was always so open and free with his affection and feelings for me while I was more subdued and reserved, at least in front of other people.
Cooper kisses me, and a shiver goes down my spine as he growls low in my ear, “I want you right now, Wesley Hall.”
He takes me inside and to our room, where he undresses me slowly, leaving soft kisses against my skin as he exposes it, inch by inch. I’m a mess by the time he finally gets me into bed.
And when our bodies join together for the first time in nine years, it feels like coming home.
“Guess who?” I say as I walk up behind my boyfriend and placemy hands over his eyes. His hands come up to touch mine and his small body leans into me. I press a kiss to the top of his head, and let out a soft moan, drinking in his vanilla and almond scent, and my cock twitches.
“Well, for your sake, I hope you’re my boyfriend, because if you aren’t you are going to be in big trouble when he sees you, especially considering how your crotch is digging into my ass,” Wesley snarks.
“Very funny,” I say as I remove my hands from his eyes and he turns to face me. He presses his lips to mine and we drink each other in, even as students chat and walk by, the halls filled with the noise of gossip and squeaking shoes on tile, and locker doors opening and closing. But we only see each other.
“Happy birthday,” he says with a grin once we’ve separated, his body still pressed close to mine. I purr. There’s something about us both being eighteen, both officially adults that makes me think this birthday will be extra special.
“It sure is,” I say, brushing the tip of his nose with mine. I push him into the lockers behind him and press him against me at the same time. His breath hitches and he kisses me again.
“Hey, guys, find a janitor’s closet,” one of Wesley’s swim teammates remarks, walking by, and Wesley responds by giving him the finger. I laugh.
“What time do you get off work?” he asks, looking me in the eyes.
“Eight,” I reply.
“Okay. Text me when you’re home?”
“Sure, but why?”
Wesley flushes a beautiful pink color and bites his lip.
“What is it?” I ask, and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.
“It’s a surprise,” he says softly, gripping my shirt. And if it’s possible he flushes even more.
Shit. Now I really can’t wait to get done with work. I draw him close once more. “I love surprises.” His pupils dilate, his lips parting. I take the opportunity to kiss him again, letting my tongue slide into his mouth briefly and hearing him breathe through his nose as his hand grips the back of my neck.
“Woah, slow down there, Williams, let him breathe,” someone remarks.
“You guys do know we can see you, right?” someone else says.
I ignore them and look at Wesley. I press a kiss to his nose.
“See you later,” he says, then grabs his books and walks away. I sigh as I watch that adorable bubble butt disappear around the corner.
It’s 8:15 when I get home that evening. I pull out my phone and text Wesley right away.
Me: I’m home.
Wesley’s text comes back in less than a minute, and my mouth is salivating reading it. My cock twitches.
Fuck. I don’t even know how to reply. I just keep reading the text and getting harder and harder until my jeans zipperis digging painfully into my erection. My boyfriend is such a fucking tease.