Page 46 of Come Fly With Me
“That’s enough for me,” I say, and kiss him. “I want to give you enough money that you don’t get evicted first off, and then I’d like you to seriously consider moving in with me.”
Cooper’s hands leave my face. “What?”
“You and your mom,” I clarify. “You could share my room. She could have the spare room, and you could save your rent money and use it to pay off whatever medical bills you still have, try to get back on your feet.”
“Wesley, I can’t live with you and not pay rent,” Cooper argues.
I smirk. “Um, actually you can. I’ve got a whole guest room sitting there doing nothing, and the condo is mine. I’m not making payments on it. Even if I were, I wouldn't ask you to pay me rent. That defeats the whole purpose. You’ll still pay for your own food, and water. But you need a break, Cooper. And this will give you a chance to spend more time with your mom, too, instead of working your ass off.” I pause. “And,” I add, “maybe pursue that pilot’s license you’ve been dreaming of?”
Cooper’s eyes widen again. He swallows and shakes his head. “Wesley –”
“Cooper, I can’t let money stand in the way of that. Not if I can help you. I want to see that become a reality if it’s something you still want.” I meet his eyes. “It is, isn’t it? You can’t possibly want to stay at the bakery. You can’t be happy there.”
“No, of course not,” he replies. “I mean, yes, I want my pilot’s license, more than anything, but it’s not that simple, Wesley.”
I sigh. “Just think about it.”
Cooper sighs too. “Okay,” he says, but I see the wariness in his eyes. I don’t get a chance to speak again, however, because Cooper leans in and presses his lips to mine. “I really have to shower now or I will be late for work.”
I nod. “Hey,” I say, as he moves towards the door. “It’s your birthday soon. Got any idea about what you want?”
Cooper grins and says one word. “You.”
Me: I’m on my way.
Cute ass sexy boyfriend:
I smile. I changed Wesley’s name in my phone a few weeks ago, and seeing it pop up always puts a ridiculous grin on my face. So does the picture I took of him to go with it. He’s shirtless and his lips are puckered. He has a hand combing through his gorgeous blonde waves and his eyes are alive with mischief. Damn, he’s fine. And he’s all mine.
I can’t wait to get to Wesley’s place and celebrate my birthday with him. Greg and Christine are staying with my mom while I’m there. They said they would stay til midnight to give Wes and I ample time together and I’ll plan to be home shortly after that.
I know we could have celebrated at my house, but we’ve spent so much time over there the last couple of months and I could use a change of scenery, and a chance to get out. Wesley’s condo is amazing too. It’s light and airy, with a huge bay window. His furniture is so very him, all white with a glass coffeetable and a fireplace with a large screen tv above it. His kitchen is super nice and has all modern appliances. Which makes sense considering how much he loves to be in it. I have come over a couple of times for our date nights and he’s made me dinner. It’s been mouth watering each time. I really do love his cooking. Probably even more reason for me to take him up on his offer and move in with him. It’s been five days since he brought it up, and I know I need to make a decision soon. It doesn’t make any sense not to, but it feels like if I do, I’m admitting defeat. Admitting that I don’t have what it takes to take care of my mom, and that doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t want to need help, from anyone. If Mom and I move in with him, though, I wouldn’t have to worry about her being alone so much while I’m at work, or ask Greg and Christine for help as often, because Wesley would be there. He’d be cooking us delicious homemade meals instead of us eating the frozen shit we’re used to. And I’d get to have him in my bed every night. It’s really a no-brainer.
I sigh as I ride up to Wesley’s place, the motor on my bike loud in the quiet neighborhood, no doubt signaling to him that I’m here. I turn off the engine, put the kickstand down, and take off my helmet before running a hand through my hair. Tonight I’m going to focus on Wesley, and us being together. We can talk about moving arrangements later. This night is for celebrating. And I’ve got the best ideas in mind for just how to do that. They involve a gorgeous five-foot-six twink, me, and cake. You can take that in whatever way you want.
Wesley opens the door before I even make my way up the stairs and he’s grinning widely.
“What the hell are you wearing?” I ask, looking my boyfriend over in his rain boots and trench coat, the collar popped up and covering his neck. The only skin I can see is his face and hands.
“This is the view for the neighborhood, baby,” Wesley says, seductively. He grabs my shirt and pulls me inside. “You get what’s underneath.”
Shit. My cock stirs as Wesley shuts the door and turns back to me. And now all I’m thinking about is what he might be wearing, or not wearing underneath that ridiculous getup. Fuck, I’m fully hard now.
“You were saying?” I say, gripping Wesley’s arms and kissing him. I push him back against the wall and he grunts as my mouth plunders his. A groan escapes him as my cock comes in contact with his stomach, and I can’t stand it anymore. I have to hold him. I grab his ass and he jumps, wrapping his legs around me, rain boots and all. I suck on his tongue and draw a moan out of him that has me twitching against him through the confines of my jeans. He’s gripping my hair as he kisses me back.
He grunts eventually, and pulls back, leaving me aching and my boxer briefs damp. I chase his lips but he smiles and presses his fingers to my mouth. “Dinner first,” he says. “Then dessert.” He grins almost maliciously and presses a kiss to my nose.
“You fucking tease,” I growl, squeezing his ass cheeks. As much as I don’t want to, I let him go and we walk towards the kitchen.
“Does that mean there’s no cake?” I ask, standing next to him as he dishes our pasta onto his square white plates.
“What?” Wesley raises an eyebrow at me.
“If you’re dessert?” I say, grinning at him. He grins back and chuckles.