Page 50 of Come Fly With Me
“That’s why you never got your license,” Wesley says. I feel his finger on my chin, and he forces me to look up at him. I’m sure I’m a sight, my eyes red and my cheeks streaked with tears,snot dripping from my nose. Wesley hands me a tissue from the side table and I accept it gratefully, but can’t help flushing.
“Yes, and no,” I admit, sitting up, and bringing Wesley with me. I wipe my nose with the tissue and then brush my hand over my cheeks and eyes.
“What do you mean?” I don’t answer right away, ducking my head.
“You’re afraid.” It’s a statement, not a question. He grips my hand, squeezing it. “You’re afraid to fly after what happened to your uncle.”
My gaze meets his and I nod.
“Oh, Cooper.” Wesley wraps his arms around me and holds me close. “I love you, and I know that nothing that happened was your fault. You have to know it too. I’m sure your mom doesn’t blame you. And I know you would make such an amazing pilot. I have always thought that.”
I give him a soft smile. “Maybe if I’d had your courage and strength back then I wouldn’t have given up. You were always my biggest cheerleader.”
“I still am.” He squeezes my hand once again, his gaze locked with mine. “I always will be. You deserve everything you want, and I know what this means to you. Please don’t let fear or guilt or shame keep you from your dreams. You are the most courageous person I know.”
I snort. “I don’t feel so courageous.”
He smirks at me. “That’s what I’m here for. To remind you that you are when you forget.” He presses a kiss to my temple. “I’d love nothing more than to see you in a pilot’s uniform.” His grin widens, his eyes sparkling as he waggles his eyebrows and I can’t help but laugh.
“Seriously, like a walking wet dream,” he continues and I start to tickle him. A moment later we’re kissing and snuggledup on the couch yet again. And before I know it we’ve fallen fast asleep.
I wake to my phone buzzing on the coffee table and slowly open my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Darkness has descended on the house and the warm light from the lamps casts a soft glow over the room. There’s a soft, warm body resting against me. I don’t remember falling asleep.
Shit! I was supposed to be back home by midnight. I don’t want my mom to be alone any longer than necessary and I promised her I wouldn’t be spending the night. A glance at the clock tells me it’s four in the morning and my heart rate picks up. Especially when my phone starts buzzing again. I reach for it and swipe, not bothering to check who it is. If they’re calling at four a.m. something is wrong. I’m wide awake now, my fight or flight response on full alert.
“Hello,” I answer, swallowing. My heart is in my throat when I hear the voice on the other end and my skin prickles because I know this isn’t good.
“Cooper Williams?”
“Yes,” I say, my voice shaking.
“This is Advent Health East Orlando. We’re calling because we have a Natalie Williams here and you are her emergency contact.”
I feel like I might pass out. No. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. Please god, NO. “Is she okay?” I manage, but I’m not entirely sure I want the answer.
“She’s conscious but you should get here as soon as you can,” the male voice replies.
Shit. My hands are shaking as I hang up the phone. Tears gather at the corners of my eyes and I wipe them away before sliding out from under Wesley and running to the bedroom to throw my clothes on. When I get back to the living room with my keys in my hand and my phone in my back pocket Wesley is blinking at me with tired eyes and mussed up hair.
“Cooper?” he says. “What’s going on?”
“My mom is at the hospital. I have to go.” I hasten to put my shoes on.
“What?” Wesley is instantly alert. “Shit. I’ll drive.” He bounds off the couch and is back a second later in his jeans and a T-shirt. Neither one of us look our best but I don’t give a fuck. I open the front door and he’s close on my heels.
I feel like I can barely breathe as we make the less than fifteen minute drive to the hospital.
“How is she?” I ask when Cooper enters the waiting room over an hour later. We’d arrived at the hospital and Cooper had bolted inside. I’ve been waiting in the lobby while he’s been in with his mom. I want to support him but I don’t feel that it’s my place to be in there with him. He’d texted me to let me know that she was conscious but in a lot of pain and having difficulty breathing.
“They’re doing everything they can,” Cooper says solemnly. He runs a hand through his dark hair but doesn’t look me in the eyes.
“Will she be okay?” I ask, my stomach in knots. Cooper only shrugs. I hate seeing him so despondent. It breaks my heart. I say his name, reaching up to put a hand on his shoulder. I feel like a bucket of ice has been dumped on me when he pulls away and I flinch, my cheeks and temples heating. “Cooper?” I say again.
When Cooper finally meets my gaze his eyes are glistening with tears. “I’m sorry,” he says in a hushed voice. “I can’t do this,Wesley.” His voice is trembling and I step in and wrap my arms around him.