Page 40 of Challenge Accepted
“Oh, no you don’t. We have no time.”
“Five minutes, remember?”
She laughed. “No. We never take five minutes.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“No. No. No challenge.”
He tipped his head to drag his mouth down her neck. “C’mon. I dare?—”
She lifted her finger. “Do not invoke the dare.”
His amber soaked eyes danced. “I bet I can get us both off in five minutes.”
“See that’s different. It’s a bet, not a dare. So, I can say no.”
“I double dare you to say yes.”
“That’s not fair.”
“If you haven’t caught on, I don’t really care about fair.”
“That’s true.”
He nodded to the little docking speakers on her shelf with her old iPad on it. “It’s 9:23.”
Already, she could feel herself getting wet at the look in his eyes. What was it about this man? She had a healthy sex drive but he seemed to double it, even triple it.
He nosed behind her ear and nuzzled the skin there. A tiny bite and then lave of his tongue left her gripping the counter. “Oh, crap.”
He smiled into the mirror and inched up the skirt of her sundress. She assumed he would go right for her clit. This was a timed experiment after all, but he did not. He grazed hisfingertips over her inner thighs and worked on that spot behind her ear.
She tried to keep her eyes on the clock, but when his hands rose to her breasts she couldn’t tear her gaze off the mirror. Through the material of her lightweight dress, he rolled her nipples and pulled at the tips, his lips never wavering from the right side of her neck.
Her eyes shifted to the clock. 9:25.
He was going to give it a valiant try, but no way were they going to get there.
“Condoms in here?”
She pointed to a drawer. He found them and rolled one on. Still, he didn’t come at her with anything other than his lips and hands along her breasts. She rolled her hips a little because she couldn’t stop herself.
All it took was a look or a word from Vance and she was wet.
Her head fell back on his chest. His eyes met hers in the mirror then he pushed her forward on the counter and pulled her panties aside. Without preamble, he drove into her.
She got out an incoherent squeak before his hands gripped her waist and he pounded into her. He made an inhuman groan in her ear and moved his fingers to the front of her.
He knew what she liked.
He knew too much.
The angle, watching herself in the mirror, his nearly feral face and then his fingers and she was gone. Her thighs shook and she lost her breath. He folded his arms around her and thrust into her with a vengeance she’d never actually seen on his face.
Heavy breath on her neck and the roar of blood finally receded in her brain. When she looked at the clock, she was shocked to watch it flip from 9:27 to 9:28.