Page 42 of Challenge Accepted
He led her to the stairs that folded out of the plane. Glad that she wore flats, she climbed up and ducked inside. “Holy crap.”
“She’s a beauty, isn’t she?”
Presley blinked at the woman with the light brown hair that came down the aisle. “Uh, yes. Wow. Gorgeous.” The plane did in fact have six seats and three couches and a wet bar.
It was a party in the sky.
It was all done in a soft fawn color with blue cushions for the couches and carpeting.
“I’m Melissa. It’s so good to meet you.” She tucked her stick straight hair over her ear. Melissa had one of those faces that was impossible to figure out her age. She was either twenty or in her thirties with a fresh-faced girl next door look that reminded Presley of Jennifer Garner.
Why was she so friendly? She didn’t even know her. “Yeah, you too.”
“Hey, babe.” Van stepped in and gave her a big hug. “You look great.”
Babe?He didn’t even callherbabe.
“Thanks. I didn’t think I was ever going to fit into my wardrobe again.”
“How is the munchkin?”
“She’s beautiful. Maxie is happy to have her all to herself while I work.”
He smiled down at her. “Good, I’m glad. I can’t wait to see her next month.”
Presley tipped her head to the side. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the conversation, but the quick stab of jealousy eased.
Vance came over to stand next to her. “You met Presley?”
“In a matter of speaking.” Melissa’s eyes sparkled. “We’re leaving in ten and the hotel is set up in Philipsburg. We put you in the villa as you asked.”
“Great. Thanks for doing this all last minute.”
“You do like to give me a challenge.”
He grinned. “You were getting out of practice.”
“Save me from your schemes, sir.” Melissa squeezed his arm then returned to the front of the plane.
“She seems nice?”
“Always with a question in your voice. She and her wife just had a baby.”
“Oh.” She blinked. “That’s awesome. Man, how long ago?”
“I think the munchkin is four months.”
“I hate her already. I’d never guess she had a baby.”
He looped his arm around her shoulders and dragged her into his chest. “You’ll love her before the week’s over. Everyone does.”
“I’m going to say you undersold the plane.”
“Maybe a little.”
“Just a little.”