Page 1 of Syndicate Mayhem
Chapter 1
His screams filled myears with a sweet melody of pain and despair . . . and I loved it. The pure joy that I got when his breath turned labored, when his skin jumped as one of us got closer to him, when sweat started to bead along his forehead. All of it was like a beautiful symphony of pain and revenge.
I watched my wolf mate shove his hand into the deep incision he made, digging his hand into our victim's gut like he was searching for gold. “You don't need this, right?” He ripped out something, crushing whatever it was in his hand and threw it behind him with a splat like it was nothing.
Vincent's broken sobs were so delicious I licked my lips. There was something about having my wolf mate shirtless, coveredin blood, with Gucci slacks and matching shoes, torturing our enemy, that was mouthwateringly sexy.
The grump in the corner huffed out under his breath. “You know, you should’ve made a horizontal and vertical cut if you wanted to maximize the pain.”
Ax growled out at Cosmo, his eyes alight with bloodlust, but the frown that took over his savage smile meant he was not in the mood for Cosmo’s critiques. “Back off, blood sucker, before I start carving you up instead.” Cosmo’s eyes narrowed to the point of slits, and I knew he was about to go further.
I laughed, trying to cut the tension in the room, but all that did was bring all that hostile attention onto me. Both men stopped, turning toward me with those lifted brows and expectant eyes. I have grown used to these looks over the past six months, the guys fighting, wanting me to step in between and pick a side. I was not about to play that game, oh hell no. I learned the hard way that I was never going to do that again. They found my damn weakness and used it against me. These mates of mine were assholes and held sexual grudges like brutal beasts.
I shrugged my shoulders, rolling my eyes, “No comment.” I nodded toward Vincent. “I just wanted a show before the run tonight.” I moved to stand up with a sigh. “If you can't do that, then I guess I need to get my kicks from somewhere else.” I tilted my head like I was thinking. “Maybe Avery? I think I could convince him to do a private dance for me later.”
We all knew that was just a hook to get them to stop fighting. A small threat as I was getting tired of the macho fights theywere pulling. It had been happening more and more between my mates lately, and I didn't know how to solve it.
Cosmo was the first to give in, closing his eyes, taking a deep inhale before he flicked open his favorite switch blade and stabbed Vincent in the stomach, yanking his arm up to get a deep vertical cut across Ax’s horizontal one. Vincent grunted, his eyes widening at the swift pain he was not expecting. Cosmo then flicked his wrist as he yanked the knife out and sprayed Ax’s chest with blood.
My senses lit up at the fresh smell of blood. My nose flaring as my skin shivered. I licked my lips as my eyes zeroed in on the blood.
I salivated as I watched fat beads of blood wind its way down Ax’s chiseled chest, making my tongue tingle with the need to lick up his chest. My eyes flicked to Cosmo, and I was greeted with his knowing smirk. Cosmo knew just what I needed to get my mind off their fighting and switched to something else.
He knew I had a weakness for violence, blood, and sexy men . . . and my mates were too damn sexy for me to focus on anything else. I was quickly leaning toward turning this torture session into a fuck session. I wanted to start things off by licking up Ax’s chest as his dick grew so hard that I couldn't ignore it. It was a great idea until I remembered how my mates get all testy when I ingest blood from others. Plus, I was sure that Vincent’s blood was going to be like acid in my mouth. My lips pinched in disappointment as I crossed my arms and forced myself to look away in a huff. Cosmo’s smirk deepened.
“Did you need a turn, Siren?” Ax’s concerned question reminded me he saw my pout session, not understanding what Cosmo was trying to tease me with. Well, two can play at that game.
“No.” I got up, gave Ax a sinful, dirty smile as I clicked my way over to him in my red stilettos. I ran my hands along the grooves of his six pack, looked down at his pants as I licked my lips, watched as his bulge grew. “I think I enjoyed watching you too much. I'm getting naughty, naughty thoughts.” I dug my nails in, creating my own red line along his body. His honeyed eyes lit up in hunger as his breath hitched, a sharp inhale of my scent lighting him up hard and fast.
I turned my eyes away from him as I smiled down at Vincent, ignoring Cosmo’s combo of crossed arms and turned down lips. Vincent’s body was strung up in magical chains by his broken wrists, making every move he made a painful, whole body experience. “That was one thing you were right about, Vinny boy. I am a crazy, psycho bitch.” I laughed when his head turned away from me, keeping his eyes on the ground and not engaging with me.
We had been taking turns playing with him since we took him down, and he quickly learned that if he spoke about me, looked at me, even huffed at something I said, my mates would make everything much more painful. Making him associate pain when it had anything to do with me.
All of us wanted revenge for him robbing us of our moms, but we also wanted payback for him smacking me around while we were powerless. Oh, and maybe that whole threatening to rape me. Yeah. The guys did not like that very much. They’re not going to forget about that anytime soon.
I saw Vincent take a relaxed breath and rage immediately filled me. Red hot fury overtook all my senses, taking over my body as I backhanded him so fast that even Ax’s arms tightened around me in surprise. I turned fully around in Ax’s arms, bending over at the hips to whisper in Vincent's ear, “You areneverallowed to take a peaceful breath. Never allowed to have a moment of strength. A moment to recover. You will spend the rest of your existence in here learning what it really means to feel the wrath of the Syndicate.” He let out a small, desperate-sounding sob before I lifted my foot and stabbed him in the calf with the heel of my stiletto. The pain was too much and took him over the edge as he slumped in a passed-out state.
I removed my foot as I straightened up. “Well, that’s a bummer . . . I'm sorry, guys.” I didn't mean to end this session too soon, but my rage just boiled over, and nothing was going to stop me at that point.
My eyes roamed over Vincent's naked body, cataloging the wounds and how long they would take to heal. He was either lucky or unlucky, depending on how you looked at it, that he was a demon and had some self-healing abilities.
Big, strong hands roamed around my backside greedily as a husky voice growled out, “Oh, I think I'm okay, Siren.” A breathy moan followed before his arm snaked around my middle, pulling my body as close to his as possible. His lips barely touched the edge of my ear as he whispered, “I know of a way that you can make it up to me.” His rough hands and soft words were turning me on faster than a faucet. My body practically trembled in anticipation. Plus, there was something about fucking in front of a passed out, blood-covered enemy that just did it for me.
His steel pipe of a dick rubbed between my cheeks before he smacked my ass hard, and I let out a surprised cry. His hands landed on the sides of my bare thighs, turning his fingers into claws as he worked his way up, leaving thin bloody marks that balanced out his nuzzling, wet, hot kisses on my neck.
I smirked up at Cosmo, reminding him that I not only gave as good as I got, but I did it better. I wove my hand behind, sinking my fingers into that lush, silky hair before I fisted it and yanked it back, causing Ax’s voice to hitch just as his claws dug in at the hem of my red mini dress.
I called out, staring deep into Cosmo’s violet orbs that tracked my every move with fervor. “No shredding the clothes tonight. I just bought this dress, and I want to wear it out.”
I gave him a small peck on the check as Ax huffed against my neck, his cock digging for gold between my ass cheeks. A wide smile took over my face as I saw Cosmo’s eyes twitch, looking down to see Ax lifting my dress. I watched as my vampire mate’s face changed from steel to hunger as he saw I was going commando, and his chest began to rise and fall to the beating of my heart.
My wolf’s hands wrapped around front, wrapping his claws around my heavy breasts as he pinched at my pebbled nipples. I bit my lip in a closed mouth moan.
He knows that my nipples are like my on button. As soon as someone plays with them, I get drenched, ready to take this playing to the next level. I ground my ass into Ax as I gave Cosmo my come-fuck-me eyes.
His hands were balled into fists as he watched us, still not making a move, but I had about enough of that. “Are you going to just stand there and watch us fuck or are you going to join in?”
Ax had always been the one that I thought would have the most trouble sharing, just because he was the greedy kind, but he surprised me when his hands let go of my breasts and gripped the backs of my thighs. Taking only a second to lift me up and spread me wide for Cosmo’s eyes to feast on my pulsing pussy.