Page 20 of Syndicate Mayhem
“Wait, wait, wait . . . that's the first time I’ve leaned up on that wall. There’s no way that has been triggered each time.” Lex had a point, now that I was thinking clearly again.
“Then there must be more spots like this around the room. That would make sense as to how the sound happens at random.” He pointed around the room. “Search all of the walls. It's slightly smoother than the rest of the area around it.”
Avery and Ax turned immediately and started to look around their area’s. Lex threw his thumb behind him. “I found that one, so that one is mine.” Falcon rolled his eyes before going toward his wall and inspecting it.
Before I could start to look around my space, I heard the sound again and whirled around to see Ax with his hand on a space, watching me. “Yes. You found it.”
He let go, fisting the air as he whooped. “Hell's, ya! I beat all of you!”
I shook my head just as Lex taunted him. “You didn't beat meeeee.”
“You don't count,” he spat out, “your’s was by pure accident.”
“Still counts.” His smug voice was enough to make you want to punch him in his stupid demon mouth.
I started to look around my space all over again, but this time, looking for something specific, and it helped see things in a different light. I stopped paying attention to the furniture and looked around the walls.
Hearing another buzz, I turned and saw Falcon nod to me as he immediately let go of the spot that he found, standing next to it, waiting for Avery and I to find ours.
I looked around and noticed that each of theirs was at different levels of the room. The only levels that were left were the bottom and the top. I pulled my focus to the floor, trying to find something like what Falcon had found.
As I got on my hands and knees, I traced my hand along the floorboards. If something was either on the floor or the wall, I should be able to find the spot faster.
I was starting to grow discouraged, not finding anything, as I got closer to the edge of the wall. My fingers ran along the smooth surface, desperately hoping to feel some kind of difference, something that would give me a hint. If we did this, then we would only have Ax’s safe, and we could finally get out of here, and when I did, Ray was in for some trouble.
A thought popped in my head that Ray would get a kick out of watching all of us try to figure this out without her. A piece of me knows that she would be so very helpful in the endeavor, but also, she would be incredibly distracting. My eyes flicked around, trying to find a hidden camera or something, but I knew it wasn't there. She was serious about us all trying to understand each other better and wouldn’t want to interfere with that.
One thing was for sure . . . as soon as I got home, she was getting a very big, naughty spanking when I got my hands on her.
Just as I pictured my red handprint on that plump, milky white ass, a loud buzzing noise filtered through my head and scrambled my thoughts. I lifted my hand off the side of the wall, and it stopped.Did I find it?I took a couple more quick breaths before I tried the spot again, and it did the same thing.
“I found it.” I said, right before I growled out in pain as I heard that buzzing noise grow even louder, rattling my brain with its insistent buzzing sound like a swarm of bees circling my head.
I let go, the sound dying down, giving me a small reprieve before I heard it again while Avery said, “Me, too.” I looked over to see Avery with his shiny, iridescent wings on display, hovering over a spot on the ceiling before looking at me with a smile that said he was going to enjoy this, and his hand pressed to the ceiling. I closed my eyes, took in the reverberating pain from how loud the sound was, my body shaking as I tried to breathe through it.
It stopped faster than I thought, watching the fairy float down to the ground with a sour face. “That wasn't as pleasing as I thought it would be.” My instinct was to yell at him for doing iton purpose, just for fun, but his words stopped me as I realized what the underlining of that meant. Teasing and digging at me in a way that caused me true pain wasn't fun for him. Which in a weird way, meant that he cared, right?
No. I shook my head. There was no way he meant that. I watched his huffing form, his pursed lips, and eyes that didn't seem to meet mine. Well . . . that's new.
Falcon stepped forward. “I have a theory.” His eyes shifted toward me. “With each one that we found, it seemed like it got worse and worse for you, correct?” I nodded. “Then I suggest we touch all five spots at the same time.”
“What?!” I stood up, nostrils flared, fangs out, and hands clenched as I narrowed my eyes on him as the animal side of a vampire started to come out, feeling threatened and backed into a corner.What the fuck? Did he think this was funny?If all five are triggered at the same time, I have a feeling my ears would bleed.
I was surprised when he turned toward me fully, his back straight, eyes clear of any emotion as he said in a calm low voice, “I'm not trying to hurt you. I think that this buzzing sound you are hearing is a low grade of electricity, and with each hand in the right spot, it's powering something up. Hopefully, to open something or show us something. I don't think this will open by force, only with a collective effort.” I breathed out as something clicked in my head, and I put my fangs away.
His eyes filled with an emotion I didn't know he had, hope. He continued. “I’m guessing that even if it does hurt, if we time itcorrectly, it should be just for a second until the mechanics of this device kicks in.”
It logically made sense, even if it was just an educated guess. I was going to need to trust his judgment, and oddly enough, I kinda did. I gave him a solid nod as I built up my strength, preparing myself for the pain.
His eyes flashed with respect for a second before he nodded and turned toward the group. “We need to all get into position, and I will count to three. On three, we all place our hands on the spot and hold for a few seconds.” Everyone turned away, heading to their spots. Not a single one calling out a joke or making some nasty comment. Everyone was dedicated to seeing this through.
With everyone in place, Falcon wasted no time. “One. Two. Three!”
We all placed our hands on the spots, and for a second, my head felt like it was going to explode. For only a blip, my body waivered, and I almost took my hand off the wall, but I held firm because, in the next second, the sound slowly bled away until I heard a loud click. Everyone looked toward me, where the click came from, and waited.
It was only a few seconds, but it felt like forever before the sound completely stopped, and a loud grating sound started as a small section of the wall right next to me slid up, revealing a black safe.
“Fuck yeah! We found it!”